Often ask ourselves what does FRIENDS mean??... The bond of friendship... ever occured to you what lies beneath all that? What does it takes for us be claim ourselves to be somebody's friend? Friendship isn't always easily described. The Eskimos, they say, have a hundred different words for snow. Unfortunately, the English language isn't quite as innovative, though it has vast opportunities to differentiate meaning. Certainly, Love is one of those opportunities. And so, too, is Friendship.
Instead of different words, however, we're stuck with simple adjectives. Close friend. Best friend. Childhood friend. Intimate friend. Trusted friend. Beloved friend. But whether you use adjectives or different words, few could deny the nearly infinite meaning in such a simple word. A simple word that has such a deep meaning.. Which might not be easily comprehended by a mere human being......
Friends are special people. We can't pick our family, and we're sorely limited in the number of them at any rate. Society and mores (and often our own conscience) dictate we select a single mate. But our friends can be as diverse and infinite as the adjectives we choose. Our friends, in a very real sense, reflect the choices we make in life.
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Promise Never To Untie
by Hope
The tender words are spoken
Each body and soul bared
Told secrets over endless days
Often doing more than dared
New world beyond my door
With intrigued and intensity
Now we have shared our hearts
A bond now made it permanently
Facing our days made easier
Despite any type of weather
Each other's heart felt deeply
Both happy we stuck together
It took us little time and effort
The bonding as strong as glue
I now promise never to untie
The strings I have tied with you
The understanding of each other
Breaths to take, we breathe the air
As the relationship interchanges
Knowing our loving hearts are there
Now we are never left on the outside
Lovingly enter each others domain
Smiling. laughing and forever teasing
But forever friends we then became
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Editor's Quote : Had quite a rough time these past few days... When i was on the verge of breaking down, had someone to talk to. Someone close to my heart... So, i dedicate this to those who knows the meaning of FRIENDSHIP.
Aaahh... the heart, a complex organ.Emotions...how do we know what will strike next? Happiness, sadness, frustration..if we knew what to expect, then we could prepare for it.. be in control. But, that's not how we were made..these feelings makes us who we are.. it's what makes us human.
Live life my friend!
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:42 AM