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Entri tak bertajuk!

I am on the brink of falling over myself. Sleeplessness, tiredness, boredom, lethargic, kalau gua rangkumkan, memang meletihkan sungguh. It's killing me inside. I so need a rest. Coming to work with a heavy eyes and tired body consumes my energy. Agggh... this is the effect of World Cup and Akademi Fantasia. hahahahha.... Gua kena lah blame diri gua sendiri. Sendiri anticipate to all those things. Sekarang, sendiri rasa lah sengsaranya. Tapi tak apa. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Anyway, because of World Cup, I missed watching the last episode of Monk for this season. If I remembered correctly, USA vs. Czech Republic was on at the time the show was going on. I was outside with my friends watching the game. I only managed to watch it half-time because my head was too heavy and my bed is calling me to bunk in.

Anyway, sikit pasal lagu baru untuk pelajar AF tu. Lagu tipu untuk pelajar-pelajar tu:

Amirul - Gempar Gerudi (For Your Eyes Only)
Rich - Phewitlah Bersama (Rocky Jagohan)
Haziq - Langgam Cik Sri Siantan (Joned PI)
Faizal - Aku Lelaki Hina (Zahari SS)
Diddy - Mentari Semakin Pudar Di Senja Hari (Elli Kuzini)
Farhan - Only You and Me at the Highway 78 Baby (Santiago Corrina)
Velvet - Lagu Anak Pengembala (Marhamah Hanum)
Salima - Di Penghujung Nyawa Ini (Kumpulan Nur Ikhlas)
Zila - Yang Yang Abang Sayang (Baby Herti)
Lotter - Raksa (D'Explorer)

Hehehe... frankly speaking, I have never heard of any songs. Mungkin bukan zaman gua. But come to think of it. Gua tak pernah dengar satu pun nama penyanyi asal kesemua lagu tu.

Laaa.. Rupanya, itu hanya trick yang disediakan untuk para pelajar sahaja. Phewww... that was too scary man. Then, hari ni baru diorang umumkan tentang lagu baru untuk para pelajar semua. It is :

Rich - Mustika (M.Nasir)
Lotter - Iris (Awie)
Haziq - Cinta Nusantara (Sheqal)
Amirul - Yesterday (The Beatles)
Salima - Obsesi (Juliana Banos)
Farhan - Still Got The Blues (Gary Moore)
Diddy - Memori Luka (Headwind)
Faizal - Blues Terengganu Kita (Iklim)
Velvet - Teman Tapi Mesra (Ratu)
Zila - Tak Tercapai Akalmu (Elyana)

Hmmm... what can I say. A great choice of songs given to all the students. I am looking forward to the concert this week. Rich dapat lagu Mustika. Hope that he did not flunk this week. Same goes to Amirul. Walaupun lagu ni lagu yang memang bukan zamannya, he needs to work hard not to impress the audience, but to impress the judges.

Faizal, Velvet & Farhan, macam biasa beyond expectation. Especially Faizal yang dapat makanan dia. Keep your fingers cross that all goes well with them this week. Zila & Diddy dapat lagu yang bagi gua cukup menarik. Let's just hope that they will do better than last week too.

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