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CHARMED no more?

These past few days since last week, I have been writing about Akademi Fantasia sampai aku terlupa tentang minat aku pada benda yang lain. Last night, semasa aku tengah sibuk menekan butang remote control Astro aku, aku tuned into channel 70. Aku terus tuned in to Charmed. Rupa-rupanya, it's the finale for the series. The last one. Not for this season but for good. I've missed the last episode of MONK for this season, so I am not going to miss this one this time.

Cerita pasal 3 ass-kicking witches (macam biasalah, good againts evil). These witches are siblings, the Halliwell Sisters. Phoebe, Piper & Paige. Previously, there was Prue (Shanon Doherty) tapi watak dia dimatikan disebabkan oleh kenakalan dan masalah disiplin beliau. Kalau tak silap aku, she was in the series until 2001. Not in the series, but on the set and on location. Alah, biasa lah tu, since Beverly Hills 90210 dulu pun dia ada that problem. Whatever it is, you can catch her in North Shore sekarang. Macam biasa, kat channel 70 @ Astro.

Anyway, no more yesteryears witches dengan muka yang hodoh. Witches dalam cerita tu are drop-dead gorgeous, ass-kicking and powerful power. No.. no more brooms, no more couldron and gelak yang maut. Sekarang punya witches naik kereta, boleh surf internet & dan boleh teleport kemana-mana saja yang diorang nakkan (kuasa Paige). Same goes to the warlocks and whitelighter dalam cerita tu. Semuanya handsome hunks. Entah ya, entah tidak? Aku pun tak tau.

They did not knew yang diorang tu posses magical power sampai lah diorang ni dewasa. Their power started to grow as time goes by and they turned out to be the chosen one or the Charmed Ones sampai all demons pun naik takut dengan diorang ni. They fought all type of demons and made some foes and friends along the way.

Apa-apa pun, kisah cinta tetap tak tinggal dalam cerita ni. Leo met up and got married to Piper. Phoebe, masalah sikit. Kisah cinta dia ni tragis. She almost died becauase of love. I forgot what's the orang jahat's name. Paige, meet Henry, a mortal (typical huh?).

Among the actors and actresses yang made appearance in the show are

Shannen Doherty.... Prue Halliwell
Holly Marie Combs.... Piper Halliwell
Alyssa Milano.... Phoebe Halliwell
Rose McGowan.... Paige Matthews
Ted King.... Inspector Andy Trudeau (as T.W. King)
Dorian Gregory.... Inspector Darryl Morris
Brian Krause.... Leo Wyatt
Greg Vaughan.... Dan Gordon
Karis Paige Bryant.... Jenny Gordon
Julian McMahon.... Cole Turner
Drew Fuller.... Chris Perry Halliwell
Kaley Cuoco.... Billie Jenkins

Basically, Charmed made it until the 8th season. It started airing in 1998 and ended 2006. Banyak watak witches and warlocks, demon, magical creatures, tricks and other wizardry and witch-craft things dalam movie ni.

The last episode was a good one. Diorang citer pasal how Piper went back in time to save Paige and Phoebe. How they fought against Billie & Christie (Billie @ Kelly Cuoco ! She is HOT STUFF!). How they was re-united dengan grandmama dia, mak dia, anak Piper yang dah besar, Victor Halliwell (Bapak The Charmed Ones) The last episode banyak juga mention pasal Prue, tapi tak ada pulak diorang tunjukkan muka Prue aka Shanon Doherty. A bit sad actually, considering she was the earlier Charmed Ones.

Rasa sedih jugak lah kan. Sedih sebab this is the last episode, sedih sebab aku tak dapat tengok Kelly Cuoco doing her witch-craft anymore. Entah lah, I have this thing with ending. Rasa cam tak best aje

The Original Charmed Ones

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