Real Life Situation
Pada satu petang Selasa yang indah, jam 5.35 pm.
Telefon aku berbunyi, dalam hati aku cakap.. "Hoi! Dah lepas office hours pun ada orang nak call lagik ke?"
Caller : Hello… Abg Iron Board ada tak?
Me : Iron Board dah tak ade….
Caller : Haaa?? Dia dah tak ada?
Me: Eh…. Silap… Silap… Dia tak ada… dia dah keluar office..
Me and Her: laughed out loud…
Hahhaaha… Iron Board, jangan marah ye. Aku tersalah tatabahasa. Itulah, It will sound stupid if I speak Malay. Hehehhe… tak lah.. gurau aje.
Anyway, kalau ada pembaca-pembaca setia blog aku ni, maaf lah kalau dah lama sangat tak update blog aku ni. Actually, there are a lot of things to write and share. Tapi, there is so little time to do so. Nak bua kat rumah, rasa malas mula. Furthermore, dengan temptation yang datang dari television, makes me more lazy to do my entry eventhough macam-macam benda yang bermain kat kepala I ni. Insya allah, when the time is permissible, aku akan kembali menulis dengan aktifnya.
Lagipun, I’ve been quite busy lately dengan macam-macam benda. The tons of work kat office menambahkan kesibukan aku. Kalau tidak, dapat juga aku taip entry-entry utk blog aku. Hahahaha… yes! I blog during my office hours. Dasar pekerja tak boleh harap, guna office facilities for personal purposes. And furthermore, last Saturday was my graduation day. How did it go? Alhamdulillah, it all went well that day. And syukur alhamdulillah, sebab aku dapat Best Students Award and Chairman’s Award. Maaf, I am not bragging about it. Just that on that day, my mom’s tears says it all. All my hard work, perspiring and effort really paid off. I won’t trade that with anything in the world.
Anyway, actually, 23rd August (Tomorrow, coz I am writing this at 8.00 pm on Tuesday) is my birthday. Hahahahah… saja aje promosi diri sendiri beb, Birthday yang ke berapa? Alah, birthday yang ke 26. I am still young and dangerous. Cheewah, macam tajuk citer Cheng E-Kin lah pulak.
After 26 years being alive, I am blessed because I have a wonderful family, a very loyal group of brothers and sisters that create a great bonds of friendship, I have the best group of people around me and Thank GOD, I have a great life. What more could I ask for? Thanks you guys for being there for me.! Cheeewah... mellow lah pulak!
Anyway, here are some pics for my graduation day. Nanti kalau ada lagi, aku akan updatekan kemudian.

Noo... I am not in this picture.

These all all my close friends. Luv ya!!!

Some of the award's receipient.

Apahal ternganga tu???

and presenting...... Mr Iron Board, my partner in crime...Nasib baik gambar wife dia takde.
Happy birthday to me..
Happy birthday to me..
Happy birthday to maddox,
Happy birthday to me....
p/s : some of my friends are not able to make it that day!
Telefon aku berbunyi, dalam hati aku cakap.. "Hoi! Dah lepas office hours pun ada orang nak call lagik ke?"
Caller : Hello… Abg Iron Board ada tak?
Me : Iron Board dah tak ade….
Caller : Haaa?? Dia dah tak ada?
Me: Eh…. Silap… Silap… Dia tak ada… dia dah keluar office..
Me and Her: laughed out loud…
Hahhaaha… Iron Board, jangan marah ye. Aku tersalah tatabahasa. Itulah, It will sound stupid if I speak Malay. Hehehhe… tak lah.. gurau aje.
Anyway, kalau ada pembaca-pembaca setia blog aku ni, maaf lah kalau dah lama sangat tak update blog aku ni. Actually, there are a lot of things to write and share. Tapi, there is so little time to do so. Nak bua kat rumah, rasa malas mula. Furthermore, dengan temptation yang datang dari television, makes me more lazy to do my entry eventhough macam-macam benda yang bermain kat kepala I ni. Insya allah, when the time is permissible, aku akan kembali menulis dengan aktifnya.
Lagipun, I’ve been quite busy lately dengan macam-macam benda. The tons of work kat office menambahkan kesibukan aku. Kalau tidak, dapat juga aku taip entry-entry utk blog aku. Hahahaha… yes! I blog during my office hours. Dasar pekerja tak boleh harap, guna office facilities for personal purposes. And furthermore, last Saturday was my graduation day. How did it go? Alhamdulillah, it all went well that day. And syukur alhamdulillah, sebab aku dapat Best Students Award and Chairman’s Award. Maaf, I am not bragging about it. Just that on that day, my mom’s tears says it all. All my hard work, perspiring and effort really paid off. I won’t trade that with anything in the world.
Anyway, actually, 23rd August (Tomorrow, coz I am writing this at 8.00 pm on Tuesday) is my birthday. Hahahahah… saja aje promosi diri sendiri beb, Birthday yang ke berapa? Alah, birthday yang ke 26. I am still young and dangerous. Cheewah, macam tajuk citer Cheng E-Kin lah pulak.
After 26 years being alive, I am blessed because I have a wonderful family, a very loyal group of brothers and sisters that create a great bonds of friendship, I have the best group of people around me and Thank GOD, I have a great life. What more could I ask for? Thanks you guys for being there for me.! Cheeewah... mellow lah pulak!
Anyway, here are some pics for my graduation day. Nanti kalau ada lagi, aku akan updatekan kemudian.

Noo... I am not in this picture.

These all all my close friends. Luv ya!!!

Some of the award's receipient.

Apahal ternganga tu???

and presenting...... Mr Iron Board, my partner in crime...Nasib baik gambar wife dia takde.
Happy birthday to me..
Happy birthday to me..
Happy birthday to maddox,
Happy birthday to me....
p/s : some of my friends are not able to make it that day!