Coming to an end and a new beginning.
Entri kali ni adalah entri paling mellow dalam berpuluh entri yang aku pernah buat. Aku ada mention dalam blog aku yang aku hampir berjaya nak dapatkan apa yang aku inginkan for some time. Well, it's nothing much but it's very important for me. I decided to expand my horizon and take on new challenges in my career. Dalam erti kata yang lain, aku akan berhenti kerja sebab aku dah dapat kerja lain.
Before I continue, ini adalah kronologi-kronologi fasa kerja aku kat company aku ni.
18.09.2000 Aku kena interview dengan ex-boss aku. Terus aku diterima kerja without hesitation. Aku gembira giler sebab dapat kerja selepas aku kena tendang keluar dari UPM. At least aku takde jadi pemetik gitar anggur dan menghabiskan duit mak bapak aku aje.
01.07.2003 Company aku merge dengan another insurance company. Bermulalah era kegelapan dan kemudian renaissance and zaman industri kat dalam entity baru ni.
01.11.2003 Aku start pursue my studies. Aku ambik course yang related to my work. Lagipun it's in house, so senang sikit nak pergi ke kelas.
01.01.2005 Aku dinaikkan pangkat ke Assistant Supervisor. Yang paling best, ex-boss aku tu yang sangat kuku besi and dictator macam Hitler yang bagi aku peluang. Sampai sekarang I owe my gratitude to him.
31.04.2005 Alhamdulillah! Aku berjaya habiskan my studies.
01.01.2006 Alhamdulillah! Promotion lagik! Thank you Judy!
15.02.2007 Aku hantar surat tender.
28.02.2007 My last day of service in the company.
01.03.2007 A new chapter in my life.
Kalau aku nak coretkan semua sekali, aku rasa mau sampai berpuluh page. Cukup lah peristiwa dan tarikh-tarikh penting dalam kerja aku.
It has been a fuckingly great and tremendously adventurous 6 years, 5 months & 10 days for me in this company. Now, I am going to leave a place where I've crawled, walked, stomped, stumbled, run, fall, rise back again. Aku dah tengok the ups and downs of this place. Daripada sebelum merger with just 20 staffs, the department grew with over 70 staffs. Everything lah, I tell you!
Why the hoo hoo and haa haa over me leaving this company? Masalahnya, memang susah nak tinggalkan tempat ni. This is my first job, this is my kindergarten, this is my primary school, this is my secondary school, this is my high school, this is my college and this is my university. But this is not my resting ground. Itu lah, cinta pertama memang susah dilupakan.
I started working as a clerk. Kerani cabuk aje beb! Tapi alhamdulillah, aku berjaya naik sikit demi sikit to be where I am today. Not that I want to brag much about it tapi ini adalah my personal victory. From a sore looser to someone who I am proud to be. Mungkin aku bukan engineer, architect ataupun accountant, tapi it's good enough for me. Macam yang aku cakapkan tadi, it's my personal victory.
Apa-apa pun, kata orang, routines are very hard to break. Memang betul pun. Lepas ni, it's going to be a different ritual all together. No more breakfast at lotus, lunch at Bawah Pokok, tea at lotus again, carrom & ping pong at the sports club. No more jokes and wild craziness, no more budak-budak tu bawak bekal ramai-ramai and pot luck, no more pantry with my friends. No More Drama lah. Hahahaha.. macam tajuk lagu Mary J Blige lah.
I don't know how things are going to be like over there. Frankly speaking, I am scared actually, because I don't know what to expect over there. I don't know how the people are going to be. I don't know what the environment is going to be like. Tapi macam dalam buku Who Moved My Cheese, I need to move out of Cheese Station A in order to find new cheese. I'll never know if I don't try. But it is time for me to come out of my shell of comfort zone and venture into new horizon.
Masa aku menaip entry ni, it's with a mix feeling. Sad because I am going to leave my brothers and sisters, friends and foes, buddies and enemies, leaving behind what I treasured the most. Happy because I am going to pursue for a better future and something new in life. Hahahah dah macam The Pursuit to Happyness lah pulak! Happy sebab aku takkan jumpa lagi boss-boss aku yang mangkuk hayun tu!
My classmates - Fazri, John, Kak Yan, Azura, Haikal, Yikfung (Yang lain dah berambus dah pun!)
My the tarik crew - Aiza, Zam, Carlos, Haizal, Abg Joenett, Abg Shariff, Haziman, Salleh, Daud, Hafiz, Din.
My counterpart and compadre - Amir @ Ironboard, Watie, Yan, Sue, Ariff, Ida, Zack, Farid, Kak Hawiyah, dan ramai lagi.
If the relationship, the friendship is strong and tough enough, then nothing will ever break the chain and cycle easily. I know for a fact that you guys have colored my life and shape me to what I am today.
My dear friends, I am not bidding goodbye! I am just saying SEE YOU AGAIN. I am going for higher grounds in my career and with this, I THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR EVERYTHING.
Peace out!
P/s : IB, you still owe me Chilli's! Jangan lupa beb!
Labels: personal
Hey Maddox,
Selamat bekerja dan menghirup udara segar di tempat baru. Semoga sukses!
Posted by
Budiey |
7:24 PM
Rezeki ada di mana2, Ijan.
Semoga sukses selalu!
Posted by
Zack |
10:21 PM
Good luck Maddox. Semoga kedatangangan tahun babi membawa rezeki yg lumayan.
Posted by
rewan ishak |
3:20 AM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Posted by
rewan ishak |
3:21 AM
Tempat baru nanti jgn lupa kawan2 kau kat sini, walaupun dpt kawan baru (or awek baru!). Mmg la kat sini 'friendly environment', tapi kalau offer sikit sgt siapa boleh tahan beb! Kita lelaki, kena majukan diri. Kalau terus dok di 'comfort zone', kita takkan improve. Aku kat sini pun dah bosan sgt, rasa dok sini mcm tukun aje. Tgk member2 aku sorang2 belah dr company ni. Nampak gayanya aku pun bakal resign. Kalau ada lubang2 kerja kosong kat sana, kau rekomen2 lah aku ni. Thanks for everything brother...keep in touch & keep up the good work with ur blog!
P/S : Nanti aku dpt reimbursement belajar aku, aku belanjalah ngkau...!
Posted by
Lord Vorphalack |
11:24 AM
Posted by
Ajami Hashim |
11:17 PM
haaa! amir yer nama kau!
Posted by
Ajami Hashim |
11:21 PM