Ghost Rider (2007)

Nicolas Cage as Johnny Blaze / Ghost Rider
Eva Mendes as Roxanne Simpson
Wes Bentley as Blackheart
Sam Elliott as Caretaker / Carter Slade
Peter Fonda as Mephistopheles
Donal Logue as Mack
Matt Long as Young Johnny Blaze
Raquel Alessi as Young Roxanne Simpson
Mathew Wilkinson as Abigor
Joel Tobeck as Grissel
Daniel Frederiksen as Wallow
Director : Mark Steven Johnson
Sinopsis :
Johny Blaze is a young and rebellious teenager with a raging hormones. He is working as a stunt rider. He is in love with Roxanne Simpson. Johnny dengan bapak dia, Barton Blaze sama-sama terlibat dalam stunt riding. But there’s one problem, bapak dia si Barton ada kanser (typical huh?).
Demi menyelamatkan bapak dia yang sakit kanser yang agak serious, Johnny sendiri berhutang nyawa pada si Mephistopheles. Dengan itu, Mephistopheles berjanji untuk menyembuhkan bapak dia and in return, Mephistopheles akan ambil Johnny’s soul sebagai galang gantinya. Demi menyelamatkan orang yang dia sayang, dia rela mengorbankan cinta hatinya Roxanne dan merantau jauh.
Bla… bla… bla… Johnny pulak dah besar and he is still a stunt driver. :Johnny sekarang dibela oleh Mephistopheles. Walaupun dia kemalangan ataupun stunt act dia tak menjadi, dia tetap akan selamat. Thanks to Mephistopheles. For some time, Mephistopheles has spared him from fulfilling his duties.
When he doing his act during his father’s anniversary, he bumped into his old flame, Roxanne yang kerja sebagai wartawan yang kena cover cerita dia buat stunt dia. By the time he finished doing his act, which he survived finely, he wanted to get things back like the old days.
Kini dah tiba masanya bila dia perlu untuk melangsaikan hutangnya. Ini sebab munculnya Blackheart, anak pada Mephistopheles yang macam setan (memang setan pun). Blackheart is a new breed of evil and too bad, he is the son and arch nemesis of Mephistopheles . Black heatt is backed up by The Hidden, a group yang dianggotai oleh Their names are Grissel, Wallow, and Abigor. Blackheart berniat nak mencopet satu perjantian (aku lupa lah nama dia) untuk menghidupkan kembali Kingdom of Hell.
In order to regain his soul back, Mephistopheles ordered him to demolish Blackheart. Mephistopheles kembali dan menukarkan Johnny kepada a demonic monster yang bertujuan to menghapuskan kejahatan. In the day, he will walks his life as a normal person and during the night, he will be turned into a being far from his wild imagination. Semua lagaknya yang dia lakukan adalah sub-concious. Dia hanya akan menjelma as Ghost Rider when evil is near to him. Not just evil, even sinners and wrong-doers yang buat kesalahan kecik pun ada terkena balasan dan hukuman dari si Johnny Blaze aka Ghost Rider ni.
At the same time, Johnny and Roxanne’s love is about to bloom back. What will happened to him? What is the end for him and Roxanne? Siapa Ghost Rider tu sebenarnya? Apa akan jadi pada Blackheart? Kalau korang nak tau tu semua, gi tengok sendiri kat wayang. Aku dah bagi banyak sangat spoiler.
Aku Kata :
Ni antara filem dari Marvel yang aku tunggu-tunggu. Tapi bila aku keluar aje dari panggung, one word came crossed my mind. OVERRATED. It is too over-rated despite the high anticipation around the world. Sayang! Dengan kos production of USD 100 m, aku rasa it such a waste sebab aku tak nampak kat mana perginya tinggi sangat kos untuk filem tu.
Kalau nak cakap dari segi CGInya, nungkin ia belum cukup setanding dengan X-Men ataupun Spiderman. The CGI effect was a little bit flunked. Bukan tak bagus, cuma tak worthy of such films. Aku rasa bukan aku aje, sesiapa yang tengok movie yang dibuat dari komik mesti nak tengok CGI and special effect diorang kan? … kan? Alah, tipu lah kalau korang cakap korang nak tengok sebab nilai estetika movie tu. Ye tak?
Maybe it’s not fair to compare sebab budget Spiderman jauh lagik besar. I am not expecting the effect to be on par but if it could even come close to 70% pun aku dah cukup puas hati. But sorry to say, CGI effectnya macam biasa aje. Kalau nak dicomparekan hasil kerja Johnson, aku lebih suka dengan Daredevil compared too Ghost Rider. Not too say that it was cheesy but it was just average.
Masalah aku dengan filem-filem macam ni is that aku letakkan high expectation. Aku letakkan expectation yang tinggi kat movie yang diadaptasi from Marvel Comics ni. Setakat ni, aku tak kecewa dengan Fantastic Four, Spider-Man & X-Men. Tapi ada jugak Marvel Comics turned movie yang aku rasa hampa sikit lepas menontonnya macam Hulk & Punisher. Ada movie lain yang still dalam filming and production process macam Iron-Man. So, kena keep the fingers crossed lah kalau nak tengok hasilnya macam mana.
Tapi Ghost Rider ni macam lacks of something. It lacks the element of adventure and thrill of a superhero movies. Aku rasa villain Ghost Rider lagik cool dari the main character itself. Aku selalu peratikan benda ni terjadi. Quite too often. Sepatutnya diorang focus pada hero. Yelah, he is the main attraction of the movie.
Selalunya, kalau mana-mana filem komik superhero yang diadaptasi ke filem, mestilah ada elemen adventure, action packed sequence, good story telling, good acting & logic storyline.Well, this movie nearly has the action packed sequence, and logic storyline. (aku kata logic sebab memang logic cerita superhero tu dah macam ni.)But it lacks of adventure and thrill and it has no good story telling. Not like when you are watching Spiderman and X-men. Macam ko dah glued on to the seats.
Kalau nak cakap pasal lakonan, yeah, Cage has the charm and poise on the silver screen but this time it didn’t impress me that much. Again, aku lagi tertarik pada si bedebah Blackheart tu. Eva Mendez was just okay, watak Roxanne tu sendiri yang membuatkan watak tu limited to that type of character. Peter Fonda and Wes Bentley was cool as the villain.
Okay lah! The skeleton, hand and feet on fire memang lah nampak kool, tapi kalau dah setakat itu aje, aku rasa muak lah. Takde feature lain yang betul-betul menarik tentang the rider himself. Yang best aku tengok pun is his wheel. Yelah, dah nama pun Ghost Rider, mesti lah bawak bike yang cool. Cuba korang bayangkan kalau dia bawak motor Kriss atau Jipang tu dok kejar hantu-hantu tu. Maunye dia kena berenti kat stesen minyak sebab takut habis masa on the way there.
Lagi satu yang aku cukup tertarik and that drives me to watch it is because of Eva Mendes herself. That lady is damn hot babe. Mungkin this is the standard yet enjoyable movie but that’s about all that I can say about it. There’s nothing more than I can say about it. It’s not that bad but it’s not that good. Just average. Despite all that, aku enjoy tengok movie ni
Aku kasi ** ½ / *****
p/s : Ni pun aku dengar diorang tengah nak continue Ghost Rider sequel. Lets just hope that the next time around. It will be much better than this one.
Sinopsis :
Johny Blaze is a young and rebellious teenager with a raging hormones. He is working as a stunt rider. He is in love with Roxanne Simpson. Johnny dengan bapak dia, Barton Blaze sama-sama terlibat dalam stunt riding. But there’s one problem, bapak dia si Barton ada kanser (typical huh?).
Demi menyelamatkan bapak dia yang sakit kanser yang agak serious, Johnny sendiri berhutang nyawa pada si Mephistopheles. Dengan itu, Mephistopheles berjanji untuk menyembuhkan bapak dia and in return, Mephistopheles akan ambil Johnny’s soul sebagai galang gantinya. Demi menyelamatkan orang yang dia sayang, dia rela mengorbankan cinta hatinya Roxanne dan merantau jauh.
Bla… bla… bla… Johnny pulak dah besar and he is still a stunt driver. :Johnny sekarang dibela oleh Mephistopheles. Walaupun dia kemalangan ataupun stunt act dia tak menjadi, dia tetap akan selamat. Thanks to Mephistopheles. For some time, Mephistopheles has spared him from fulfilling his duties.
When he doing his act during his father’s anniversary, he bumped into his old flame, Roxanne yang kerja sebagai wartawan yang kena cover cerita dia buat stunt dia. By the time he finished doing his act, which he survived finely, he wanted to get things back like the old days.
Kini dah tiba masanya bila dia perlu untuk melangsaikan hutangnya. Ini sebab munculnya Blackheart, anak pada Mephistopheles yang macam setan (memang setan pun). Blackheart is a new breed of evil and too bad, he is the son and arch nemesis of Mephistopheles . Black heatt is backed up by The Hidden, a group yang dianggotai oleh Their names are Grissel, Wallow, and Abigor. Blackheart berniat nak mencopet satu perjantian (aku lupa lah nama dia) untuk menghidupkan kembali Kingdom of Hell.
In order to regain his soul back, Mephistopheles ordered him to demolish Blackheart. Mephistopheles kembali dan menukarkan Johnny kepada a demonic monster yang bertujuan to menghapuskan kejahatan. In the day, he will walks his life as a normal person and during the night, he will be turned into a being far from his wild imagination. Semua lagaknya yang dia lakukan adalah sub-concious. Dia hanya akan menjelma as Ghost Rider when evil is near to him. Not just evil, even sinners and wrong-doers yang buat kesalahan kecik pun ada terkena balasan dan hukuman dari si Johnny Blaze aka Ghost Rider ni.
At the same time, Johnny and Roxanne’s love is about to bloom back. What will happened to him? What is the end for him and Roxanne? Siapa Ghost Rider tu sebenarnya? Apa akan jadi pada Blackheart? Kalau korang nak tau tu semua, gi tengok sendiri kat wayang. Aku dah bagi banyak sangat spoiler.
Aku Kata :
Ni antara filem dari Marvel yang aku tunggu-tunggu. Tapi bila aku keluar aje dari panggung, one word came crossed my mind. OVERRATED. It is too over-rated despite the high anticipation around the world. Sayang! Dengan kos production of USD 100 m, aku rasa it such a waste sebab aku tak nampak kat mana perginya tinggi sangat kos untuk filem tu.
Kalau nak cakap dari segi CGInya, nungkin ia belum cukup setanding dengan X-Men ataupun Spiderman. The CGI effect was a little bit flunked. Bukan tak bagus, cuma tak worthy of such films. Aku rasa bukan aku aje, sesiapa yang tengok movie yang dibuat dari komik mesti nak tengok CGI and special effect diorang kan? … kan? Alah, tipu lah kalau korang cakap korang nak tengok sebab nilai estetika movie tu. Ye tak?
Maybe it’s not fair to compare sebab budget Spiderman jauh lagik besar. I am not expecting the effect to be on par but if it could even come close to 70% pun aku dah cukup puas hati. But sorry to say, CGI effectnya macam biasa aje. Kalau nak dicomparekan hasil kerja Johnson, aku lebih suka dengan Daredevil compared too Ghost Rider. Not too say that it was cheesy but it was just average.
Masalah aku dengan filem-filem macam ni is that aku letakkan high expectation. Aku letakkan expectation yang tinggi kat movie yang diadaptasi from Marvel Comics ni. Setakat ni, aku tak kecewa dengan Fantastic Four, Spider-Man & X-Men. Tapi ada jugak Marvel Comics turned movie yang aku rasa hampa sikit lepas menontonnya macam Hulk & Punisher. Ada movie lain yang still dalam filming and production process macam Iron-Man. So, kena keep the fingers crossed lah kalau nak tengok hasilnya macam mana.
Tapi Ghost Rider ni macam lacks of something. It lacks the element of adventure and thrill of a superhero movies. Aku rasa villain Ghost Rider lagik cool dari the main character itself. Aku selalu peratikan benda ni terjadi. Quite too often. Sepatutnya diorang focus pada hero. Yelah, he is the main attraction of the movie.
Selalunya, kalau mana-mana filem komik superhero yang diadaptasi ke filem, mestilah ada elemen adventure, action packed sequence, good story telling, good acting & logic storyline.Well, this movie nearly has the action packed sequence, and logic storyline. (aku kata logic sebab memang logic cerita superhero tu dah macam ni.)But it lacks of adventure and thrill and it has no good story telling. Not like when you are watching Spiderman and X-men. Macam ko dah glued on to the seats.
Kalau nak cakap pasal lakonan, yeah, Cage has the charm and poise on the silver screen but this time it didn’t impress me that much. Again, aku lagi tertarik pada si bedebah Blackheart tu. Eva Mendez was just okay, watak Roxanne tu sendiri yang membuatkan watak tu limited to that type of character. Peter Fonda and Wes Bentley was cool as the villain.
Okay lah! The skeleton, hand and feet on fire memang lah nampak kool, tapi kalau dah setakat itu aje, aku rasa muak lah. Takde feature lain yang betul-betul menarik tentang the rider himself. Yang best aku tengok pun is his wheel. Yelah, dah nama pun Ghost Rider, mesti lah bawak bike yang cool. Cuba korang bayangkan kalau dia bawak motor Kriss atau Jipang tu dok kejar hantu-hantu tu. Maunye dia kena berenti kat stesen minyak sebab takut habis masa on the way there.
Lagi satu yang aku cukup tertarik and that drives me to watch it is because of Eva Mendes herself. That lady is damn hot babe. Mungkin this is the standard yet enjoyable movie but that’s about all that I can say about it. There’s nothing more than I can say about it. It’s not that bad but it’s not that good. Just average. Despite all that, aku enjoy tengok movie ni
Aku kasi ** ½ / *****
p/s : Ni pun aku dengar diorang tengah nak continue Ghost Rider sequel. Lets just hope that the next time around. It will be much better than this one.
p/p/s : Aku rasa poster dia very cool!
Labels: movie
Btol ke tak best? member aku pun cakap mcm tu gak. Tapi aku kurang gemar filem2 superhero ni. Spiderman pun. OK lah nak release tension sekali sekala sambil menambah kalori dgn coke dan pop corn.
Posted by
rewan ishak |
1:06 PM
kurang best lah kalau kau nak aku compare dgn Spiderman. Masalahnya, aku tak release tension, aku bertambah tension lepas keluar wayang. Hampeh rasanya!
Norbit lagik layan!
Posted by
maddox |
9:54 PM