Diorang ni dah tua, tapi they still rock and ass-kicking. Eventhough they are in the late 40’s and 50’s, but they still hit the screen, big time! Datang lah hero-hero muda yang hensem-hensem, macho-macho macam mana pun, diorang still tak boleh beat these old cow. Tulah orang kata, kat Hollywood, lagi tua, lagi laku lah orang tu. Kalau kat Malaysia, jangan mimpi lah. Aku dedicate my entry kali ni to the otai of the silver screen.
1. Tom Hanks

Dia ni among favourite actor aku. Dia dah menang a few Academy Awards as a recognition for his great achievement. Among filem dia yang aku suka macam Forrest Gump, Apollo 13, Philidelphia, .Ada orang cakap Road to Perdition tu macam his worse movie ever. Tak tau lah kan. Tapi bagi aku, he sucks big time dalam The Da Vinci Code.
2. Harrison Ford

Siapa yang boleh lupa Hans Solo and Indiana Jones. Aku mula kenal Harrison Ford melalui filem-filem ni lah. Antara filem-filem dia yang aku minat is The Fugitive, Air Force One, Clear & Present Danger, What Lies Beneath dan byk lagi. Antara filem terbaru dia is Firewall and sekarang dia tengah kerja on Indiana Jones 4 and Manhunt.
3. Kurt Russel

Orang tua berumur 55 tahun ni lahir kat Massachusetts, USA. His latest movie yang aku tengok is Poseidon. Sekarang ni he’s working on the Grind House. Antara movie-movie dia is Stargate, Sky High, Forrest Gump, Breakdown, Escape from LA.
4. Robin Williams

This is one of my favourite actor of all time. Seriously, aku memang suka dengan lakonan selamba badak dia. He is born on 21 July 1951, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Mrs. Doubtfire adalah filem lakonan dia yang aku paling suka and it is one of my favourite movies of all time. Aku memang tak boleh lupa dengan Daniel Hillard yang bertukar jadi Mrs Doubtfire. Bagi aje lah apa apa watak kat dia, dia boleh bawakkanya. Among his movies yang aku suka is like Flubber, Good Will Hunting, Bicentennial Man, Patch Adams, Jack, Jumanji, Nine Months, Robots & Hook. Sekarang he’s working on Mrs Doubtfire 2. Huu huu!! Can’t wait. Among other movies that he is working on are The Krazees, Night at the Museum, and License to Wed. Dia pernah jadi voice over utk Alladin (Genie),
5. Pierce Brosnan

Aku tak lah minat sangat dia ni. Biasa-biasa aje. Tapi I have to hand to him la, walaupun dah 53 tahun, kira orait lagik lah. Mr Brosnan ni paling dikenali dengan francise James Bond 007 and dia dah lakonkan 4 filem Bond which is Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies, The World is Not Enough and Die Another Day. Among filem dia yang aku suka is The Thomas Crown Affair, Mars Attack (A Dumb Movie).Dia jugak berlakon dalam Mrs Doubtfire as Stu, boipren pada ex-wife Daniel Hillard.Yang aku tengok kat IMDb, diorang baru announce The Topkapi Affar and he is acting as Thomas Crown. Mungkin this is the sequel for The Thomas Crown Affair tu kot?
6. Bruce Willis

Si Tua berumur 51 tahun ni antara favourite actor aku. Dia ni dilahirkan kat West Germany tapi dibesarkan kat New Jersey USA. Dalam banyak-banyak movie yang dia lakonkan, among my favourite is Die Hard, Die Hard 2 : Die Harder, Die Hard 3 : With A Vengeance Hostage, Sin City, Armageddon & macam-macam lagi lah.Dia jugak pernah jadi voice over untuk Look Who’s Talking and filem animasi macam Over The Hedge dan Rugrats Go Wild! Dia jugak pernah buat kemunculan dalam siri Friends sebagai kekasih Rachael. Sekarang ni, dia tengah working on Live Free or Die Hard, Perfect Stranger and The Astronaut’s Farmer. Skarang ni dia tengah duda trang tang tang sebab dia tak carik lagi pengganti Demi Moore.
7. Denzel Washington

Dalam ramai-ramai pelakon kulit hitam, he is my personal favorite. And he is the second black actor to win Oscar in a leading role. Before this, dia pernah menang Best Supporting Actor for Glory back in 1990. The first black was Sidney Poitier back in 1964 for Lilies of the Field. Dia menang untuk cerita Training Days. Masa dia menang tu, Halle Berry jugak menang the Oscar for the Best Actress for Monsters Ball. He was born on the 28th of December 1954 kat Mount Vernon, New York. Among filem dia yang aku suka is Philadelphia, Crimson Tide, The Bone Collector & filem terbaru dia yang aku belum sempat tengok is Inside Man. Antara filem dia yang bakal muncul adalah Dejavu and American Gangster.
8. Al Pacino

Pakcik ni pun considered as one of the greatest actors in all of film history. He is born 25 April 1940 South Bronx, New York.Filem dia yang femes macam Dick Tracy, The Devil’s Advocate, Insomnia, The Recruit, The Godfather & Any Given Sunday. According to IMDb, he will be in Ocean’s Thirteen. Tak tau lah kan.
9. Robert De Niro

Dia ni is considered as one of the greatest actors of his time. He has his own charisma and own character. Setahu aku, dia ni tak berapa camera friendly and it’s hard to get him for an interview or photoshoot. Among filem dia yang aku suka is The Godfather, The Fan, Ronin, Meet The Parents, Meet the Fockers and Hide and Seek. Dia jugak pernah buat voice over untuk Sharks Tale as Don Lino.
Hmmm… kalau kau Hollywood, makin tua orang tu, makin laku lah dia. Tapi, a different scenario can be seen kat Malaysia ni. Makin tua orang tu, makin tak laku lah dia. Nak pegang peranan besar in movies, yeah.. you can.. being just a father of the real hero. Tapi aku respek kat Dato’ Rahim Razali, Tamam Idris, diorang memang still kick-ass walaupun dah tua.
10. Willem Dafoe

Dia ni muka memang nampak garang and relentless, tapi selalu dapat watak baik. Watak villain yang aku paling ingati is Green Goblin or Norman Osborn. Antara filem-filem famous dia is The English Patient, Speed 2, American Psycho, The Aviator, xXx 2 and Inside man.Dia jugak pernah mensumbangkan suara dia untuk Finding Nemo dan James Bond 007 : Everything or Nothing. Currently, among the film that he is working on is Bean 2, The Walker and Anamorph.
11. Samuel L Jackson
Samuel L Jackson is one of the black actor yang aku minat. He was born on the 21st December 1948 kat Washington, District of Columbia. Dia berlakon jadi Mace Windu in one of my all time favourite movie, Star Wars. Antara filem dia yang aku minat is xXx, Unbreakable, Deep Blue Sea, Sphere & The Negotiator. Dia jugak pernah jadi voice over as Frozone dalam The Incredibles, S.W.A.T. Catch him in his latest movie, Snakes on a Plane and among his upcoming movies are Black Snake Moan, 2004: A Light Knight's Odyssey, Poker Knights & Resurrecting the Champ.
Ada a few lagik actor-actor tua yang power power macam Richard Gere, Sir Ian McKellen, Morgan Freeman and Clint Eastwood. Diorang ni, walaupun dah tua tapi they still rock the screen and still laku.
My point is, kalau kat sana, makin korang tua, makin laku lah dikebas film producers. Tapi kalau kat Malaysia ni, makin korang tua, makin takde lah producers yg pandang. Tapi pelakon macam Tamam Idris, Dato Rahim Razali, Mustapa Maarof, Jins Shamsudin, Abu Bakar Omar, Baharuddin Hj Omar @ Anjang Aki; diorang memang aku respek habis sebab diorang memang power. Kalau takat Rosyam Noor, Zulhuzaimy, Aqasha, Norman Hakim, Hans Isaac tu semua, makan angin ajelah.
Notakaki :
1. Fakta-fakta yang berwarna biru tu, aku creditkan untuk mensh.
2. Thanks to mensh sebab betulkan fakta-fakta tu.
1. Tom Hanks

Dia ni among favourite actor aku. Dia dah menang a few Academy Awards as a recognition for his great achievement. Among filem dia yang aku suka macam Forrest Gump, Apollo 13, Philidelphia, .Ada orang cakap Road to Perdition tu macam his worse movie ever. Tak tau lah kan. Tapi bagi aku, he sucks big time dalam The Da Vinci Code.
2. Harrison Ford

Siapa yang boleh lupa Hans Solo and Indiana Jones. Aku mula kenal Harrison Ford melalui filem-filem ni lah. Antara filem-filem dia yang aku minat is The Fugitive, Air Force One, Clear & Present Danger, What Lies Beneath dan byk lagi. Antara filem terbaru dia is Firewall and sekarang dia tengah kerja on Indiana Jones 4 and Manhunt.
3. Kurt Russel

Orang tua berumur 55 tahun ni lahir kat Massachusetts, USA. His latest movie yang aku tengok is Poseidon. Sekarang ni he’s working on the Grind House. Antara movie-movie dia is Stargate, Sky High, Forrest Gump, Breakdown, Escape from LA.
4. Robin Williams

This is one of my favourite actor of all time. Seriously, aku memang suka dengan lakonan selamba badak dia. He is born on 21 July 1951, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Mrs. Doubtfire adalah filem lakonan dia yang aku paling suka and it is one of my favourite movies of all time. Aku memang tak boleh lupa dengan Daniel Hillard yang bertukar jadi Mrs Doubtfire. Bagi aje lah apa apa watak kat dia, dia boleh bawakkanya. Among his movies yang aku suka is like Flubber, Good Will Hunting, Bicentennial Man, Patch Adams, Jack, Jumanji, Nine Months, Robots & Hook. Sekarang he’s working on Mrs Doubtfire 2. Huu huu!! Can’t wait. Among other movies that he is working on are The Krazees, Night at the Museum, and License to Wed. Dia pernah jadi voice over utk Alladin (Genie),
5. Pierce Brosnan

Aku tak lah minat sangat dia ni. Biasa-biasa aje. Tapi I have to hand to him la, walaupun dah 53 tahun, kira orait lagik lah. Mr Brosnan ni paling dikenali dengan francise James Bond 007 and dia dah lakonkan 4 filem Bond which is Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies, The World is Not Enough and Die Another Day. Among filem dia yang aku suka is The Thomas Crown Affair, Mars Attack (A Dumb Movie).Dia jugak berlakon dalam Mrs Doubtfire as Stu, boipren pada ex-wife Daniel Hillard.Yang aku tengok kat IMDb, diorang baru announce The Topkapi Affar and he is acting as Thomas Crown. Mungkin this is the sequel for The Thomas Crown Affair tu kot?
6. Bruce Willis

Si Tua berumur 51 tahun ni antara favourite actor aku. Dia ni dilahirkan kat West Germany tapi dibesarkan kat New Jersey USA. Dalam banyak-banyak movie yang dia lakonkan, among my favourite is Die Hard, Die Hard 2 : Die Harder, Die Hard 3 : With A Vengeance Hostage, Sin City, Armageddon & macam-macam lagi lah.Dia jugak pernah jadi voice over untuk Look Who’s Talking and filem animasi macam Over The Hedge dan Rugrats Go Wild! Dia jugak pernah buat kemunculan dalam siri Friends sebagai kekasih Rachael. Sekarang ni, dia tengah working on Live Free or Die Hard, Perfect Stranger and The Astronaut’s Farmer. Skarang ni dia tengah duda trang tang tang sebab dia tak carik lagi pengganti Demi Moore.
7. Denzel Washington

Dalam ramai-ramai pelakon kulit hitam, he is my personal favorite. And he is the second black actor to win Oscar in a leading role. Before this, dia pernah menang Best Supporting Actor for Glory back in 1990. The first black was Sidney Poitier back in 1964 for Lilies of the Field. Dia menang untuk cerita Training Days. Masa dia menang tu, Halle Berry jugak menang the Oscar for the Best Actress for Monsters Ball. He was born on the 28th of December 1954 kat Mount Vernon, New York. Among filem dia yang aku suka is Philadelphia, Crimson Tide, The Bone Collector & filem terbaru dia yang aku belum sempat tengok is Inside Man. Antara filem dia yang bakal muncul adalah Dejavu and American Gangster.
8. Al Pacino

Pakcik ni pun considered as one of the greatest actors in all of film history. He is born 25 April 1940 South Bronx, New York.Filem dia yang femes macam Dick Tracy, The Devil’s Advocate, Insomnia, The Recruit, The Godfather & Any Given Sunday. According to IMDb, he will be in Ocean’s Thirteen. Tak tau lah kan.
9. Robert De Niro

Dia ni is considered as one of the greatest actors of his time. He has his own charisma and own character. Setahu aku, dia ni tak berapa camera friendly and it’s hard to get him for an interview or photoshoot. Among filem dia yang aku suka is The Godfather, The Fan, Ronin, Meet The Parents, Meet the Fockers and Hide and Seek. Dia jugak pernah buat voice over untuk Sharks Tale as Don Lino.
Hmmm… kalau kau Hollywood, makin tua orang tu, makin laku lah dia. Tapi, a different scenario can be seen kat Malaysia ni. Makin tua orang tu, makin tak laku lah dia. Nak pegang peranan besar in movies, yeah.. you can.. being just a father of the real hero. Tapi aku respek kat Dato’ Rahim Razali, Tamam Idris, diorang memang still kick-ass walaupun dah tua.
10. Willem Dafoe

Dia ni muka memang nampak garang and relentless, tapi selalu dapat watak baik. Watak villain yang aku paling ingati is Green Goblin or Norman Osborn. Antara filem-filem famous dia is The English Patient, Speed 2, American Psycho, The Aviator, xXx 2 and Inside man.Dia jugak pernah mensumbangkan suara dia untuk Finding Nemo dan James Bond 007 : Everything or Nothing. Currently, among the film that he is working on is Bean 2, The Walker and Anamorph.
11. Samuel L Jackson
Samuel L Jackson is one of the black actor yang aku minat. He was born on the 21st December 1948 kat Washington, District of Columbia. Dia berlakon jadi Mace Windu in one of my all time favourite movie, Star Wars. Antara filem dia yang aku minat is xXx, Unbreakable, Deep Blue Sea, Sphere & The Negotiator. Dia jugak pernah jadi voice over as Frozone dalam The Incredibles, S.W.A.T. Catch him in his latest movie, Snakes on a Plane and among his upcoming movies are Black Snake Moan, 2004: A Light Knight's Odyssey, Poker Knights & Resurrecting the Champ.
Ada a few lagik actor-actor tua yang power power macam Richard Gere, Sir Ian McKellen, Morgan Freeman and Clint Eastwood. Diorang ni, walaupun dah tua tapi they still rock the screen and still laku.
My point is, kalau kat sana, makin korang tua, makin laku lah dikebas film producers. Tapi kalau kat Malaysia ni, makin korang tua, makin takde lah producers yg pandang. Tapi pelakon macam Tamam Idris, Dato Rahim Razali, Mustapa Maarof, Jins Shamsudin, Abu Bakar Omar, Baharuddin Hj Omar @ Anjang Aki; diorang memang aku respek habis sebab diorang memang power. Kalau takat Rosyam Noor, Zulhuzaimy, Aqasha, Norman Hakim, Hans Isaac tu semua, makan angin ajelah.
Notakaki :
1. Fakta-fakta yang berwarna biru tu, aku creditkan untuk mensh.
2. Thanks to mensh sebab betulkan fakta-fakta tu.