Entry Rojak Jalan Masjid India.
Heading towards the end of the month, my work is beginning to pile up like Mount Kinabalu. Seriously! Those stupid and idiotic marketing manager loves to pass the documents for processing last minute. Talk about being punctual and efficient at work!
Anyway, for those who celebrate Christmas (like Mr Vernon da Manager), I would like to wish all of you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR. For those who didn't I am sure that it's time to enjoy the holiday, to relax and sit back at home. Be a couch potato and watch TV, VCD or DVD. Well, It was quite a busy weekend because I was out scavenger hunt. I am hunting for something which I've been looking for quite some time and I've been longing for it for a long period. Bini? Bukan bini daaa... It's something different. Nantilah, once I get my hands on it, I will share it with you guys. For now, let it be in the dark first. (as if!)
So many things to write but so litte time. So, here's the wrap!
Anugerah Skrin.
I don't really bother to watch Anugerah Skrin which was telecasted live on TV3 last week. One reason is because I was on my scavenger hunt. The other reason is because letih lah tengok majlis anugerah yang macam tu. Dah sah sah yang menang tu akan ada some connection with the organizer. Korang tengok the winners list this year. Betul tak apa yang aku cakap?
Kalau tengok pun, just nak tengok who wears what and who is drop dead sexy. (Trying to find anyone who can beat Nanu Baharuddin). Alah, kes yang sama dengan Anugerah Seri Angkasa jugak lah when RTM 1 sapu bersih hambar kebanyakan Anugerah tu. Oh well, next time, the other TV Station can hold their award ceremony and tabalkan rancangan terbitan sendiri as winners.
Apa-apa pun, kudos to Cip Kodok for Buli Balik. Wa memang salute sama itu orang. Pelik dan lain dari yang lain punya manusia.
On Air
While typing this entry, kat radio keluar pulak lagu My Heart. You know what, sejak kebelakangan ni, dah terlampau kerat sangat keluar lagu ni. Lagi satu lagu is Cahaya Cinta.
I don't have anything against those songs tapi bila dah selalu sangat keluar radio, I's becoming more annoying and irritating, damn it. Being played on air for zillion times and repeatedly, it's becoming more tiresome. Come on radio station, there's like thousands of song that you can play but why insist on playing the same track. Sometimes I think it's played for more than 10 times in a day. Sheesh! And this happens to one of the biggest radio station in the nation. If it was the listeners who requested for it, I am fine with it. But the deejay keep on playing the same sing over and over again.That's what makes me feel bored.
One more thing yang aku perasan is the issue of nepotism and favouritism. I'll explain the situation. Like this Station E, which without fail will play songs from their reality tv artists. Mungkin ada unsur favouritism kot. Or it is just plainly sebab nak naikkan artis sendiri yang memang takde chance nak naik kat stesen-stesen lain. masalahnya, unlike Station H which for me, is quite reasonably lenient in their songs playlist. I don't find them having trouble playing songs from other reality tv artists. They are more open in this kind of stuff. Aku pernah jugak dengar lagu from other reality tv artist yang lain
So, my hypothesis is this : I reckoned that Station E is a little bit dominant and they are quite forceful in their playlist. Unlike Station H, yang still baru lagi and diorang ni lebih liberal. Ape lah salahnya korang mainkan lagu-lagu lain besides that same song all the time? Deejay tu tak bernanah ke telinga dengar lagu yang sama? And be more open in your playlist.
For Reel.
Just watched Cicakman and The Pursuit to Happyness. For those local movie fans, do watch Cicakman eventhough you are tired to watch Apek too many times. Aku pun ada sikit reluctant jugak mula-mula tu, but what the heck! Tengok aje lah. And it's not bad. Not bad at all.
By the way, Will Smith (The Pursuit to Happyness) was nominated in the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor along with Leonardo DiCaprio, Peter O'Toole and Forest Whitaker. Insya allah, I'll post my review in the near future. This freaking internet connection which is sometimes on and off, really forbid me from doing so.
Cheerios! Later alligator!
Anyway, for those who celebrate Christmas (like Mr Vernon da Manager), I would like to wish all of you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR. For those who didn't I am sure that it's time to enjoy the holiday, to relax and sit back at home. Be a couch potato and watch TV, VCD or DVD. Well, It was quite a busy weekend because I was out scavenger hunt. I am hunting for something which I've been looking for quite some time and I've been longing for it for a long period. Bini? Bukan bini daaa... It's something different. Nantilah, once I get my hands on it, I will share it with you guys. For now, let it be in the dark first. (as if!)
So many things to write but so litte time. So, here's the wrap!
Anugerah Skrin.
I don't really bother to watch Anugerah Skrin which was telecasted live on TV3 last week. One reason is because I was on my scavenger hunt. The other reason is because letih lah tengok majlis anugerah yang macam tu. Dah sah sah yang menang tu akan ada some connection with the organizer. Korang tengok the winners list this year. Betul tak apa yang aku cakap?
Kalau tengok pun, just nak tengok who wears what and who is drop dead sexy. (Trying to find anyone who can beat Nanu Baharuddin). Alah, kes yang sama dengan Anugerah Seri Angkasa jugak lah when RTM 1 sapu bersih hambar kebanyakan Anugerah tu. Oh well, next time, the other TV Station can hold their award ceremony and tabalkan rancangan terbitan sendiri as winners.
Apa-apa pun, kudos to Cip Kodok for Buli Balik. Wa memang salute sama itu orang. Pelik dan lain dari yang lain punya manusia.
On Air
While typing this entry, kat radio keluar pulak lagu My Heart. You know what, sejak kebelakangan ni, dah terlampau kerat sangat keluar lagu ni. Lagi satu lagu is Cahaya Cinta.
I don't have anything against those songs tapi bila dah selalu sangat keluar radio, I's becoming more annoying and irritating, damn it. Being played on air for zillion times and repeatedly, it's becoming more tiresome. Come on radio station, there's like thousands of song that you can play but why insist on playing the same track. Sometimes I think it's played for more than 10 times in a day. Sheesh! And this happens to one of the biggest radio station in the nation. If it was the listeners who requested for it, I am fine with it. But the deejay keep on playing the same sing over and over again.That's what makes me feel bored.
One more thing yang aku perasan is the issue of nepotism and favouritism. I'll explain the situation. Like this Station E, which without fail will play songs from their reality tv artists. Mungkin ada unsur favouritism kot. Or it is just plainly sebab nak naikkan artis sendiri yang memang takde chance nak naik kat stesen-stesen lain. masalahnya, unlike Station H which for me, is quite reasonably lenient in their songs playlist. I don't find them having trouble playing songs from other reality tv artists. They are more open in this kind of stuff. Aku pernah jugak dengar lagu from other reality tv artist yang lain
So, my hypothesis is this : I reckoned that Station E is a little bit dominant and they are quite forceful in their playlist. Unlike Station H, yang still baru lagi and diorang ni lebih liberal. Ape lah salahnya korang mainkan lagu-lagu lain besides that same song all the time? Deejay tu tak bernanah ke telinga dengar lagu yang sama? And be more open in your playlist.
For Reel.
Just watched Cicakman and The Pursuit to Happyness. For those local movie fans, do watch Cicakman eventhough you are tired to watch Apek too many times. Aku pun ada sikit reluctant jugak mula-mula tu, but what the heck! Tengok aje lah. And it's not bad. Not bad at all.
By the way, Will Smith (The Pursuit to Happyness) was nominated in the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor along with Leonardo DiCaprio, Peter O'Toole and Forest Whitaker. Insya allah, I'll post my review in the near future. This freaking internet connection which is sometimes on and off, really forbid me from doing so.
Cheerios! Later alligator!
tumpang lalu: promote 'dorm' @astro-prima 1/1/07/5pm
Posted by
Ajami Hashim |
5:01 PM
btw, E = era, H = hot! hayooo! maddox! ko sebut jer lah! btw, fyi ko try tune-in 'adik' & 'abg' Era >> X-fresh/Sinar >> kan 2 ch tu psg suma/rojak?.. siap faizal/suki OiM top-chart X-fresh tuh!
Posted by
Ajami Hashim |
5:09 PM
isk.... aku ni bukannya akhbar tabloid yang nak reveal semua tu... ko ni pun..
Posted by
maddox |
6:06 PM