Still on Cinta...
INT. PETALING JAYA - AFTERNOONMain-plot : A real life situation on Thursday semasa berjalan balik ke office selepas waktu lunch. Dah lah panas terik tengah hari ni sampai berasap kepala aku dibuatnya. (subplot : Makan jauh dari office semata-mata nak pekena ikan bakar padahal yang tinggal kat kedai tu cuma daun pisangnya sahaja! Hampeh!). Habis terbakar nasi dengan keropok lekor yang aku makan sebelum tu.
Wei, pergi lah tengok cerita Cinta. Aku dah tengok dah last Tuesday. Best wooo!!!
Ish! Tak nak lah aku! Entah apa-apa cerita entah.
Laaa.. apasal pulak? Best giler kau tau tak cerita tu. Sempoi aje.
Ala… cerita dia slow sangat! Lembab semacam aje aku tengok iklan dia.
Looo… Then ko nak tengok apa pulak? …
Cicakman (with a very very big giggle)
Apasal pulak??
Sebab aku tengok aksi dia dengan lidah dia tu. Macam best aje! (Kalau korang fikir aksi lain dengan lidah, then stop it!)
hmmmm…. (A very long sigh!)
Is it me or is that the typical reaction that I’ll get kalau cakap pasal Cinta?
Still on the topic of Cinta. And to answer my friend’s question. Lagipun, bagi aku, there’s no harm in frantically exaggerating about Cinta. It’s a good movie furnished with a superbly simple storyline and the best cast around. (For me, that is). You tell me berapa banyak filem Melayu yang boleh dapat captivate the Malaysian viewers?
I don’t know about the rest of you but for me, I have gone way pass the stage where I am tossing the coin to watch a film just to see whether it’s entertaining or not. I don’t want to sit in the cinema, spend my RM 10 bucks and walk out of the cinema getting nothing but my stomach filled with popcorn, 1901 Chicago Chicken and carbonated drink. I guess the sentiment is a bit different now. Well, that’s the advantages (or should I say disadvantages) of getting older.
However, true that a movies’ function is to entertain but it’s rigid to see that a film does carry a moral messages. If a film is just merely to entertain the viewers, why did a film being discriminated as “pencemar budaya”? Obnoxious huh? For me, I value movies far beyond their cast and storyline. Way pass all that. Picky? Not really! I watched Remp-it. In fact, suffice to say that I am willing to watch Nana Tanjung (which I didn’t because of my time constraint) eventhough it is such a lampoon of the Penangite’s. Ironic isn’t it? This type of genre is more acceptable by our viewers. Whose fault is it, then?
Bla bla bla.. yadda.. yadda… yadda… enough said;
And since it has been quite some time since I did my top 10 list, here is the Top 10 reasons why you MUST watch CINTA.
1. Jalan cerita yang menarik. Korang boleh pilih kisah cinta yang dekat dengan korang. Ada suami isteri, ada warga emas, ada adik beradik.Something yang korang boleh relate because of love. If you are a human, then you can feel humane and love.
2. Kemunculan Fatimah Abu Bakar yang dah lama sangat tak muncul on the silver screen. Walaupun the Kedah accent is a bit awkward, as I’ve mentioned earlier, tapi it’s just worth it.
3. Cinta bukanlah arahan pengarah paling prolifik negara, pengarah yang bukan menggunakan pelakon yang sama untuk setiap movienya dan bukan pengarah yang syok sendiri main hentam keromo aje mengarah.
4. 10 bintang, 5 kisah, 1 cerita. Ada kisah cinta 3 generasi.
5. Sebab filem ni aku rasakan bukan setakat setaraf, malah lebih baik dari sesetengah filem cinta Indon yang datang kat Malaysia ni. Don’t trust me? Sebab tu aku suruh gi tengok Cinta.
6. Sebab muzik-muzik dan lagu latar filem Cinta yang cukup menarik. Ada lagu soundtrack Cinta which is Perpisahan by Anuar Zain, Revival Ikhlas Tapi Jauh by V.E dan lagu Cinta nyanyian semula oleh Jaclyn Victor & Misha Omar.
7. Sebab semua review yang aku baca tentang Cinta said it’s a great movie. So, I am not alone on this. So, you wanna feel the love, go and watch Cinta.
8. Sebab ada seminggu aje masa yang diberi untuk Cinta kat panggung. Seminggu lepas tu (which is yesterday when Cicakman was launched), competition is gonna be very stiff.
9. And in my case, because there’s Fasha Sandha. Tak kisah lah kalau lakonan dia biasa aje, I still love her. Fasha darling, abang is still here for you.
10. The last reason kenapa korang kena tengok Cinta? Sebab aku suruh la. Aku dah kering idea nak cari the 10th reason why. So, gi tengok aje lah.
P/s : Aku nak berterima kasih pada Ajami Bicara Skrip sebab sudi membenarkan aku membaik-punya-cilok-kan hasil kerja tangannya.(boleh dak Ajami?)
Anyway, semasa aku tengah belek-belek majalah yang aku pinjam dari IronBoard, aku ternampak poster Tenacious D from Jack Black and Kyle Gass. Sekali pandang, baru aku berasan yang there is some kind of similarity dengan poster Bruce Almighty from Jim Carrey tu.

What do you think?
Ello Maddox..
Finally aku dah tgk Cinta. Nak baca aku punya review? Feel free to read kat blog aku redeo tv k. Thanks for ur comment. Majulah filem utk negara!
Posted by
rewan ishak |
7:53 PM
ello rewan...
oh okay... dah baca dah pun. a very different perspection on it. nice. no prob...
majulah sukan asia utk negara. ahaks.
Posted by
maddox |
8:38 AM
Agak2 ada tak filem bertemakan cinta tapi bersoundtrack-kan lagu2 berat dan heavy metal? Filem cinta camni la yang aku tunggu2.:P
Posted by
Zack |
10:10 AM
oh! maddox!! silakanlah ko meng-hasil-tangan&kaki-kan-semula watever pon dr blog aku!! btw, aku nak komen 1 jer yg kureeng skit posting ko nih!!
>> mana ada hotdog 1901 'Chicago Chicken'!!.. yg ada:
1.New York Chicken or
2.Chicago Beef
fyi, zaman2 ekonomi meleset '97/98 dulu, aku penah keja part-time (pioneer) masa memula 1901 bukak kat sunway pyramid, subang parade, ampang park, ampang point, s.alam mall.. wahh! flashback jauh tuuu! aku bangga tgk 1901 dah berjaya ke tahap arini! *erk!! aku off-topic ker?
Posted by
Ajami Hashim |
1:32 AM