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13 Going on 30 (2004)


Jennifer Garner – Jenna Rink
Christa B. Allen – Young Jenna
Judy Greer –Lucy
Alexandra Kyle – Young Lucy
Mark Ruffalo – Matt Flamhaff
Sean Marquette – Young Matt

Director - Gary Winnick

Sinopsis : Movie ni pasal Jenna Rink is an egoistical and arrogant 13 year old tween yang susah nak dibuat kawan walaupun dia ada sorang kawan baik budak lelaki bernama Matt. She has troubles growing up because she doesn’t seem to be too apparent among the cute guys at school sedangkan she tries very hard to attract their attention.
Dia jugak tak dipedulikkan oleh bebudak perempuan kat sekolah dia. Malah, dia telah dipergunakan oleh kawan sekolah dia yang berlakon baik dgn dia semata-mata untuk menghabiskan kerja sekolah dan meniru semua kerja rumah aje. Jenna goes through all this just put herself in the same crowd as Lucy when all she does in the end was played a trick on her and humiliated her in front of everybody. (Aku rasa macam dah terlampau biasa for these genre of movies)

Si Matt ni yang kesiankan si Jenna ni berlagak macam saving a damsel in distress telah menghadiahkan a doll house yang dibuat sendiri and a magic wishing sparkles untuk menenangkan hati kawan baiknya tu. That night, disebabkan kegeraman, Jenna made a wish that she is older and when she wakes up that morning, her wishes came true. She wakes up finding that she is already 30 years old, beautiful, gorgeous and successful as a fashion editor called Poise. She owns a Fifth Avenue apartment and a hunk boyfriend. Almost anything that a girl could dream for.

But little did she know that at this time, Matt is no longer her best friend as they “separated” years back. It’s simply because of Jenna’s addiction to be popular that put herself where she is right now. Sampai dia boleh dump her best friend. Matt is now engaged and soon to be married. And Jenna doesn’t even know any of this.

She was also the person responsible to telling the secrets about Poise’s monthly and giving fresh new ideas to their close competitors, Sparkle. But she didn’t realize any of this. Lucy, badmouthed behind Jenna’s back and suspected that she is the one responsible lurking out the secrets. After that, Jenna went back to her hometown to be reunited with her parents and soon discovered something inspiring that will put Poise back on track.

Matt, being a photographer, helped Jenna out in re-planning to revamp the face of Poise. The shoot was successful and hopes that mount were destroyed when they got to know that the presentation was on its way to Sparkle’s editorial table. Jenna found out that she was the one who sabotage Poise from the inside by sending the materials to Sparkle. Lucy, being Lucy, was the one responsible to influence Matt into handling the presentation to Sparkle, becoming the new chief editor for Sparkle.

Will Jenna be able to save the situation? Will Matt ever fell in love all over again with Jenna? What will become of Poise and is it all that good for Lucy? Itu korang kena tengok sendiri lah movie ni. Banyak sangat spoiler yang aku dah bagi.

Aku Kata : Bagi aku, movie ni macam a modern fairy tales yang tak lari dari the typical type of tween movie. The same like Lizzie Maguire Movie. Both are tween movie. The only thing is that 13 Going On 30 ni takde lah focus sangat on the life of a tween but its more about the lesson about life and growing up. Ain’t that easy as it seems. Believe me… it’s not all huu huu haa haa!

Jennifer Garner is charming, I admit, the dimple on her face. But she as Jenna is effortless. Not effortless in the sense that she does it with a flaw but it seems EFFORT – LESS. Well, her attempt was good and the product was just…. Okay, I guess. This is no heave drama, which might require a little more effort from Garner. Genre movie ni light sahaja. Mungkin, dia perlu menunjukkan ekspressi muka, lebih bermain dengan ruang (teringat pulak kat Adlin!). Not her best performance (She’s better in Elektra, I guess) but as I said, it was okay.

Ikut pemerhatian aku, ada sikit elemen The Devil Wears Prada dalam movie ni. Yelah, Jenna is the editor for Poise Magazine, sama macam Miranda Priestly, played by Meryl Streep. Both are demanding giler babas and the only difference is that Jenna in 13 Going On 30 ni dah sell herself off to another magazine.Filem ni jugak ada sikit elemen Mean Girls pada awalnya. You know, the popular bitchy clique of girls who bullies and fooled with the not-so-popular type of people.

Babak yang paling best dalam movie ni masa diorang menari lagu hit Raja Pop Michael Jackson, Thriller! That was the best scene in the movie.Yang lain-lain, I don’t think so.

All in all, I find this movie okay but a wee bit boring. Lagipun, ada jugak filem lain yang lebih kurang sama macam this movie (the personality change cum body switch). Contohnya macam Freaky Friday and Just My Luck (sekadar menyebut beberapa aje)

Aku kasi : *** / *****


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