Apa kes??!?!
Kes yang terhangat di pasaran! & Entry masa bosan!
Aku rasa lah kan, lepas ni produser-produser filem kat negara kita akan dapat lebih banyak idea untuk their next movie. Kalau dah bosan dengan filem cinta, lawak ataupun romantik komedi, diorang sekarang dah boleh buat macam-macam idea untuk buat filem.
Cilok aje mana-mana kes-kes besar yang recently berlaku kat Malaysia ni, buat lah storyline and script, tokok tambah dan buang mana yang perlu and hand it to a good director’s, mesti akan jadi filem yang bagus. And there is no more the reason of running out of ideas.
Something interesting, rite? Why stick to the typical genre of movie? Sekarang ni our producers should widen their horizon. Come up with fresh new ideas. Banyak filem yang based on a true story macam World Trade Centre , Hotel Rwanda, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Fahrenheit 9/11. Malaysia pun takde banyak sangat filem based a true story. Yang aku boleh recall pun Bukit Kepong.
Yang ada terbaru pun Dukun. Orang kata it is based on a true story about Mona Fandey, bomoh famous who was convicted of murder dengan mengerat 18 mangsa dia tu. Movie tu belum keluar lagi, so tak tau lah macam mana creepynya movie tu pun. Mungkin lepas ni kita boleh buat filem pasal the latest case pulak. Mana tau? Lepas ni ada pulak yang nak buat filem pasal Kes Norrita ke, ada pulak yang buat political filem pasal Tun Dr M ke, cerita pasal the lady yang kena ketuk ketampi ke, huh? Kan banyak high-profile case yang menarik perhatian sekarang ni.
Anyway, aku pelik betul dengan keadaan sekarang ni. People are becoming more brute and violent. Tak main lagi panggil gangster-gangster nak belasah orang, apa barang main tembak guna pistol semi-automatic, ape lagi nak guna bomoh-bomoh ni. Itu semua dah kira macam out of date aje. Sekarang lagi advance, guna hand grenade aje. Blow them into pieces. At least it won’t leave any trace of evidence behing.
Lepas ni, jangan ada pulak yang lagi hebat, sebarkan virus epidemic macam Antrax kat Malaysia sudah lah. Nauzubillah!
On another note, seriously, I was damned shock with the sadistic murder Anna Ana Ang @ Al Tantuya @ Aminah, 28 from Mongolia who was murdered and her body blown up with hand grenade. That’s why I say yang kita sekarang ni dah jadi bertambah advance compared to 10 years ago.Tak lama lagi, kita ada lah geng-geng mafia or mob gang macam The Godfather kat Malaysia ni. Jangan ada yang perasan Francis Ford Coppola sudah lah!
Cilok aje mana-mana kes-kes besar yang recently berlaku kat Malaysia ni, buat lah storyline and script, tokok tambah dan buang mana yang perlu and hand it to a good director’s, mesti akan jadi filem yang bagus. And there is no more the reason of running out of ideas.
Something interesting, rite? Why stick to the typical genre of movie? Sekarang ni our producers should widen their horizon. Come up with fresh new ideas. Banyak filem yang based on a true story macam World Trade Centre , Hotel Rwanda, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Fahrenheit 9/11. Malaysia pun takde banyak sangat filem based a true story. Yang aku boleh recall pun Bukit Kepong.
Yang ada terbaru pun Dukun. Orang kata it is based on a true story about Mona Fandey, bomoh famous who was convicted of murder dengan mengerat 18 mangsa dia tu. Movie tu belum keluar lagi, so tak tau lah macam mana creepynya movie tu pun. Mungkin lepas ni kita boleh buat filem pasal the latest case pulak. Mana tau? Lepas ni ada pulak yang nak buat filem pasal Kes Norrita ke, ada pulak yang buat political filem pasal Tun Dr M ke, cerita pasal the lady yang kena ketuk ketampi ke, huh? Kan banyak high-profile case yang menarik perhatian sekarang ni.
Anyway, aku pelik betul dengan keadaan sekarang ni. People are becoming more brute and violent. Tak main lagi panggil gangster-gangster nak belasah orang, apa barang main tembak guna pistol semi-automatic, ape lagi nak guna bomoh-bomoh ni. Itu semua dah kira macam out of date aje. Sekarang lagi advance, guna hand grenade aje. Blow them into pieces. At least it won’t leave any trace of evidence behing.
Lepas ni, jangan ada pulak yang lagi hebat, sebarkan virus epidemic macam Antrax kat Malaysia sudah lah. Nauzubillah!
On another note, seriously, I was damned shock with the sadistic murder Anna Ana Ang @ Al Tantuya @ Aminah, 28 from Mongolia who was murdered and her body blown up with hand grenade. That’s why I say yang kita sekarang ni dah jadi bertambah advance compared to 10 years ago.Tak lama lagi, kita ada lah geng-geng mafia or mob gang macam The Godfather kat Malaysia ni. Jangan ada yang perasan Francis Ford Coppola sudah lah!

Boss... wa sulah juai itu CD likat itu Jinjang... manyak untung laa boss..
Aku berminat pulak nak follow case ni. I don’t know. It seems very interesting. An important figure. A Mongolian. A Muder. A Bombing. Phew! Kes pun still under investigation lagi. So, just keeping a close look at that.
Kalau our police lacks of expertise, maybe diorang boleh mintak tolong dengan the CSI Team. Ada 3 CSI team, just choose one. But for me, I would recommend Gil Grissom’s Team. Biar Grissom bawak his wizardry-tool-box and do his magic.
Heheheh….. the para marked red is only a pun. Not meant to look down on the Malaysian’s police squad. Well, polis kita is one of the best in the world. In what way? In Many ways, that is. Many many many way.
Oh yeah, kalau korang nakkan exclusive scoop pasal the Mongolian Model’s case, aku memang highly recommend this blog. Aku sendiri memang tertarik jugak dengan this site.
Aku berminat pulak nak follow case ni. I don’t know. It seems very interesting. An important figure. A Mongolian. A Muder. A Bombing. Phew! Kes pun still under investigation lagi. So, just keeping a close look at that.
Kalau our police lacks of expertise, maybe diorang boleh mintak tolong dengan the CSI Team. Ada 3 CSI team, just choose one. But for me, I would recommend Gil Grissom’s Team. Biar Grissom bawak his wizardry-tool-box and do his magic.
Heheheh….. the para marked red is only a pun. Not meant to look down on the Malaysian’s police squad. Well, polis kita is one of the best in the world. In what way? In Many ways, that is. Many many many way.
Oh yeah, kalau korang nakkan exclusive scoop pasal the Mongolian Model’s case, aku memang highly recommend this blog. Aku sendiri memang tertarik jugak dengan this site.