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Scavenger Hunt

Hmmm.... Right now, apa yang ada dalam kepala otak gua yang tengah tersimpul maut macam pembunuh bersiri ni adalah to LOOK FOR A NEW JOB. Bak lirik lagu Amy tu...

"Aku dah Bosan...
Aku dah Bosan...
Aku dah Bosan..."

I am not bored with my colleagues... (Amir... ngko jangan terasa plak ye!!!) It is just that I am bored with work. With the politics, with the not-so-condusive organization.... Senang cakap, with almost everything lah!!!! What's keeping me from bursting out of my insanity is my the very the happening colleagues lah!!!

Frankly speaking, I really could not understand how someone can stick to one company for years.. Not 7 or 8 years but for more than 20 years. Rasanya dari rambut hitam... boleh sampai ke botak @ grey hair started to grow lah!!! Sampai anak dah besar panjang & boleh enroll in their tertier education lah. I really could not see that happening to me lah. I am saying this because in my current workplace, ramai sangat yang kertu kertu.... ntah bila diorang ni nak vanish from the face of my company pun tak tau lah....

Seriously.... gua memang tengah keeping my options open... mana lah tau kot-kot ada lobang baaaikkk punyer!! (bukan lobang kubor ya!!!).... Yelah... I am not that young anymore.. I have to start thinking seriously about my future. I mean, put leisure time aside, there is much important thing that I should be looking at right now. Rumah, Kereta, Savings... and most important Bakal Bini... (perrgggh!!! very hard for me to talk about this lah!!)

1. Update My Resume - almost done
2. Update my profile kat jobstreet - almost done too
3. Rajin-rajin selak suratkhabar - Kayalah uncle jual suratkhabar kat opis gua tu...
4. Mula call kawan-kawan yang dah lama lost contact. Buat-buat baik.. then.... terus jump into the question of whether there is an opening there or not. - Hmmm... Started this already!!!
5. Hantar resume gua kat mana-mana tempat yang perlu...

Anyway, sebelum gua blah, my inner evil bagi gua macam satu petanda lah... hahah!! Macam Sightings pulak ya!!! Dia cakap dengan gua, BEFORE YOU LEAVE, BUAT SOMETHING YANG ORANG AKAN INGAT SAMPAI TUJUH KETURUNAN... muahahahhahahahah!!!!!!(gelak jahat gua tuu!!!)

My complete profile, darn it!

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