My first drama review

Last saturday... while my hand was busy changing the channels between 1, 3, 4, 15, 17, 70, 10, 11 and bla bla bla... I came upon one telefilm that caught my attention. Why? The tittle sounds familiar... I was thinking to myself... Where on earth did I glance upon this title.. Then it strikes me.. Oh Yeah... Sultam Muzaffar's blog.... and fiebie's blog too... I told myself.. Hey.... Worth the shot...
Least did I expected that this telefilm was about "Adik-adik".. Alah.. the softy sissy kind of people... (No offense yeah!!) ... Then my mom told me... this story is good.. Well.. didn't really get the chance to watch the first one... But was glued to the tv for the second one.
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Synonpsis : Well.. it is about Adik, budak lembut yang menjejakkan kaki nya untuk pertama kali to further his studies in UITM. Cliche sungguh laa... balik-nalik UITM.. balik-balik UITM... there's alot of other university... why UITM ya.. heheheh...Adik ni anak sulung dari 2 orang adik beradik....
Anyway... Adik ni went through alot of things masa dia kata sini. He started to meet new people... macam macam perangai, macam macam fe'el... And he started to feel some new feeling towards his own kind, Lukman.. His senior yang really takes care of him.. So, tak salah lah untuk orang macam diorang ni rasa something kan... Who on earth asked you to give that much of attention. One metaphore that I really like about this was during the Banana scene.. Well, from my own interpretation, it's like Adik was expecting something from Lukman... and Lukman was just showing his love and tender towards Adik. A different sexual obligations, maybe...But.. rupa-rupanya.. Lukman is just using adik for a bigger plan.... Adik ni ingatkan si Lukman ni macam guardian angel untuk dia... rupa-rupanya... ADO!!! besides his good looks... It turns out that he is a coward with girls.....
Kat sini jugak Adik mula kenal dengan Sabri a.k.a. Halle Berry and Fitri... 2 of his best friend that really add colours to his life in UITM. Yang sorang tu perasan Ning Baizura.. Aggh... for goodness sake.... Wake up and smell the air lah.... And Fitri, someone who cannot accept his own being and always being in denial. Mula2, gua tengok... mamat ni macam poyo and menggelabah tahap cipan... But the fact was he is ashamed with himself... Being the centre of attention and bahan mockery orang-orang yang membuatkan dia kena mental breakdown.. heheheh!!!
Ada jugak Anuar, dengan his partners in crime(Lokman & Tajol)... yang very egoistical and ignorant... Sara... Nama yang anuar paling tak boleh dengar... Rupanya there is a black story behind that.. Bapak dia dah terjerat dalam dunia sebegitu.. And as a result, Nuar ended up hating this kind of people... Die Hard with a Vengeance lah kiranya ni. I can't blame him actually... I mean, tengok bapak sendiri macam tu... Kalau ada lemah jantung, mau nye kembali ke rahmatullah mengkala tu jugak...
Back in Muar, ada jugak sorang bangsa macam Adik ni yang dah nampak the light at the end of the tunnel.. Kiranya kembali ke pangkal jalan lah kiranya ni. Hehehe... Khalid... who is trying very hard to be a man.. and act like a man. Kembali ke pangkal jalan because tak nak jadi macam Pak Ajiz... Meninggal dalam longkang and got eaten by the dogs... Konon-konon nak jadi lelaki sejati... Gi suruh mengurat... fail.. gelak hik hik hik.. dia yang keluar..
Adalah jugak a few additional cast macam Rosnah Johari(adik's mum), Kaza (bapak si adik!!) , Zeta and a few more lah....
How did Adik fair his life in the university, His love towards Lukman.. did khalid succeed in changing herself to himself??? Semuanya hanya akan terjawab for those who watched the telefilm...
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Editor's Quote : Actually, this story, the plot, the storyline, anything about it.... is very near to me..Why? NOOO!!!! I am not one of them but when I was doing my matriculation in Universiti Putra Malaysia at Trolak, Perak.... My room mates was this type of guy. Nama dia Khairul Mohd Fadzli (Eh... am I allowed to advertise names in here????)hehehe.... anyway... if any of you readers do know this guy, please to tell him to come and visit my blog.. I really need to see him.... Even my mom has been asking about him.
Masa gua mula-mula tengok cerita ni... terus my mind kept thinking about my ex-room mate ni. For me, he is a PERFECTLY NORMAL GUY... cuma dia ni lembut... the way he talks, the way he walks, the way he eats... EVERYTHING... but he is perfectly normal!!! (as far as I am concern lah!!) Sembahyang tak tinggal... Study excellent... Bagus budaknya... banyan berjasa dekat gua.... Aggh... those were the good old days.. kata orang, a friend in need is a friend indeed.. And I am proud to say that dia memang layak untuk dibuat kawan...
Anyway, I did not know that the first Sutun was nominated for Anugerah Seri Angkasa for quite a number of category. Kudos to the team. Anyway, it is a very good drama... Cara penyampaian dia... very simple... cara pendekatan pengarah dia very simple... tapi mempunya makna yang mendalam... I can say, mesej yang disampaikan memang menangkap lah... I mean, we have to respect every human being sebab mereka tu semua kan makhluk ciptaan yang MAHA ESA, MAHA PEMURAH dan MAHA PENYAYANG....
Pelakon-pelakon dia pun did quite a good job. Cuma macam si tajol dengan geng dia yang tak boleh buat lagi baik lah.... overall... aku bagi ****/*****... hmm.. okay kot?
What I like:
- Adegan si Khalid and the Gang dok loafing around kat bus stand mengurat anak dara yang lalu.. Gi kacau ada sorang anak dara tu..Tak pasal-pasal kena penampar sulung...
- Dialog-dialog yang mendalam maksudnya... Such as "Orang macam saya ni, di bumi pun bukan... Di langit pun bukan...."(Adik's line), "Rupa-rupanya, abang ni lebih pondan dari pondan lain. Macam si adik.. saya hormati dia sebab dia berani meluahkan perasaan dia"(ayat Zeta)... "Bukan tugas kita nak mempersoalkan apa yang Allah dah buat..."(ayat Sabri - i think that's how it sounded lah)....macam-macam lagi lah... sebab tu gua cakap.... the director did a good job... Mesej yang mendalam disampaikan dalam konteks yang lebih ringan...
- Adegan si Khalid mengurat awek yang tak sampai dalam satu hari.. Terus asked her hand in marriage. Kelakar tahap cipan especially masa diorang first time dating.
- Adegan si adik berlari bawak bunga untuk Zeta... teringat cerita Kuch Kuch Hota Hai... masa si Anjali dapat tau hatinya ditolak oleh si sang hero.... SRK....
What I don't like:
- The colour pink! Dari atas bawah, kiri kanan, depan belakang si Adik... semuanya pink!!! YUCKS!
- Masa yang sangat pendek untuk drama sebagus ini....
- Adegan dalam toilet masa Adik mula-mula sampai... Hello beb... we are not perverts over man.. OKAY?!!.....:)
Actually banyak lagi yang gua boleh perkatakan tentang dramani... Cuma time is not permissable.... Anyway, enjoy reading the blog....