Kanak-Kanak Riang...

Lean Frog,
Don't you surrender!
Here's Issa by you.
Fledgling Sparrows!
Make way, Make way,
Way for noble Horse!
Spare the Fly!
Wringing his hands, wringing his effect,
He implores your mercy!
The Autumn Wind - Lewis Mackenzie
I got this poem from a book I was reading ( The Little Girl at the Window by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi). It is quite an old book which I can't even remember where i got it from. First printed in to 80's, I think. But what the heck, I love to read!! So, started reading it.
It is actually a simple book. But the meaning that lays in the story brings me deep into the meaning of being a children. The beautiful experience of being a kid. How school was during that time. How school should be. You know! Things like playing in the rain, marbles, mandi sungai, main tenteng and lots more thing that we can't imagine doing.
The background was set during the World War II in a small suburb village in Japan. About a cheeky young girl who often wonders what the world is like. It thaught how school over there was different from the conventional school anywhere else in Japan. The adventures that she embark in during her school days. Lots more!!!
It might seem like a children book but for me, as I said, it goes deep inside. Good for parents who wishes to understand the behaviour of kids.
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Editor's Quote : Aggghhh!!! How I wish i could turn back time.. Really!! Miss that time when we couldn't care none the less about who won Pilihanraya, who won Academy Award's Best Actor and who is U.S.A's President!