U.K. versus U.S.
U.K. vs. U.S.
Back then; the U.S. was involved in a Cold War with the Soviet Union. But now, Dua-dua negara penjajah ni tengah in the middle of another type of war. Both are nonetheless powerful dalam hal ni beb. Kuasa masing-masing tak kurang hebatnya. Kiranya macam masing-masing nak test power lah tu!!! But the thing is, can the U.S. detain the march of the U.K. music industry yang sekarang ni seems like is going to attack on the Land of Dreams tu??? Hmmm… How about if wee look back a bit of history of this war!!!
Round 1. Post-war era (1950’s)
The music industry in U.K. has seen some ups and downs since the 50’s. Sebelum tu, Chuck Berry and Bill Haley & His Comets were considered the king. Dey’all ni kiranya macam conquered the music scene that time. At the same time, everything is all about Elvis Presley and The Beach Boys until The Beatles came out from their hidings and hibernation. This gave way for other bands that are ready in-line to attack! Go! Go! Power Rangers! The Beatles are considered the forefront man lah in this war. From 1958 to 1969, Rock N Roll moved from Uncle Sam’s ground to Big Ben’s land. Hasta Pronto America! Hola London! And history stated!!!!!
Round 1: U.K. – 0 U.S. – 1
Round 2. Let the GAMES begin!!
Before The Beatles, ada lah a few new bands in U.K. trying hard to play like Rock N Roll Uncle Sam. Thus, The Beatles (Oh ye… forgot to mention! I just love the hairstyle… heheheh!!!) put an end to it and taught then the real British Style. As a result, the world was then infected by an epidemic, which was called Beatlemania Syndrome in the middle of the 1960’s. If y’all are wondering how bad the consequences were, go and ask your mom or auntie about it. Kes kejar-mengejar sambil menjerit sakan lah!!! During that time jugak lah, PUNK, MODs & some other histerical movement in U.K. tuned their own tune. They were preparing to join da club! After la commandant (The Beatles laa!!) paved the way, Rolling Stones came rollin’ to the U.S. music industry. Compared to The Beatles clean image (siap dengan kot beb!), the Rolling Stones punya image was a bit rough with long hair & tight jeans (ouch!!! My balls!!!)
perrghh!! rambut masing-masing!
Round 2: U.K. – 1 U.S. – 1
Round 3. Non-stop attack and counter strike from da U.S.
After The Rolling Stones, muncullah a lot of elite unit such as The Who (bringing the message of MODs). Hmm…. Victory seems to fall into U.K.’s hand! It was until Bob Dylan came out wif his weapon of mass destruction. He called it “FOLK ROCK”. This was the Vietnam War time and it was during this time when vote people (dia macam the rate of orang-orang Amerca against their bloody-damned-government for interfering in Vietnam) mounted. Alah… diorang dari dulu mmg macam tu! Sampailah sekarang!!! Dylan’s and his storm troopers’ lyrics led to an inspiration based on kejadian ni. It was quite a big hit on the Britton’s. After they realized this, the Britton changed their strategy. Led by The Beatles, they went to a more humane and moral lyrics to keep up to the heat. As a resut, they managed to top no. 1. They are in the lead but the bigger question now is how long can they restrain the counter-attack from the American?
aku lagik ensem.. aku lagik ensem
Round 3: U.K. – 2 U.S. – 1
Round 4. “The Rock Star Syndrome” and Jamaica - Si Kaki Penyibuk
The Beatles split up, John Lennon’s death, Jimi Hendrix’s grand appearance and gangguan menggegarkan dunia yang tela dibuat oleh manusia bernama Robert Nesta Marley has changed the scenarios. Why??? Alah… we all know him as Bob Marley (No Women No Cry… No Women No Cry…). Under the lead of Bob Dylan recruited tons of army besides “Panglima Perang Handal” Jimi Hendrix. U.K. bands yang kononnya cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang tu had been infected by “The Rock Star Syndrome” macam yang digelar oleh Lester Bangs, a rocking Rock critics that time. Many bands began to split up sebab tidah sehaluan and this pave the way for those American Bands to launch their attack on the British music industry. Dengan munculnya Woodstock and Metallica, America kira cam balas dendam betul² lah…..
Alleycats tiru gua beb!!!
Round 4: U.K. – 2 U.S. – 2
Round 5 – Kemaraan Hip-Hop U.S. & Brit-Pop’s new strategy…
U.S. Boy bands started to conquer the music industry. It was pioneered by the NKOTB (New Kids on the Block) and pastu, the list goes on…. BSB la… N’Sync laa…. Etc… Kurt Cobain led Nirvana (Smells like teen spirit, Come as you are, You know you’re right are my all time favorite) and the first division Grunge from the heavy mortar and artillery The Seattle Sound . British countered their attack by using the Spice Girls (Mel B, Mel C, Sporty, Posh and Geri). Sorry la.. they didn’t really live up to their name. The spice fever did not last long enough. Brit-pop division that was led by Oasis & Blur took over the throne of the Gurrrl Power…. Tapi telah disekat oleh kemaraan bebudak Nu-Skool. Bebudak Nu-Skool ni was started by Korn and sekarang, it is taken over by Linkin Park (also my fave band). Sekarang plak, Band² Hip-Hop ngan R & B mula take charge…Looks like America is winning. However, when the battle seemed to be forgotten, dalam diam-diam, strengthen their influence by introducing ColdPlay (wuuhuu… vocalist dia kahwin ngan Gwyneth Paltrow wooo!!!). Who knows… in time to come, Brit-pop akan bangkit secara senyap… hmmm…: )
dasar budak ingusan.....
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Been quite some time since I commented on your blog.I do miss you my friend, but time and circumstances do not permit. Rest assured that I am thinking of you and you will always be a very dear friend to me.
Your friend.
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