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Review : All in a day's work of Maddox.

[Disclaimer : Entry ni sikit panjang. So, kalau korang nak baca, baca lah. Read and educate yourself. Senang nanti dikemudian hari. Heheheh... Alah, entry ni pasal aku dengan kerja aku aje. Ada masa, baca lah! Semua watak-watak, cerita dan plot dalam entry ni adalah lebih real dari filem Datuk Yusof Haslam. Sebab ini adalah realiti.]

Movie : All in a day's work of Maddox (2006).

Cast :
Agen Insurans
Colleague Maddox yg pepetz berkuman
Boss Maddox yang menggelabah
Beberapa watak sampinga.

Duration : One whole afternoon

Working in the insurance field is one hell of a ride. Seriously! You will get to meet with a lot of people. Not really from all walks of life but with all kinds of habits and attitude. Maniacs, manic, lunatics, mentally disturbed (heheheh… teringat kat fiebie!), idiots, mr-know-it-all, frantic, macam-macam lagi lah. Just name it.Kadang-kadang tu, aku rasa macam melayan pesakit-pesakit jiwa yang datang nakkan protection aje. Well, this is the disadvantage of being in a services industry. Aku cakap disadvantages sebab at times these things are prone to happen. And when it comes, kadang-kadang tu boleh jadi mentally retarded aku dibuatnya.

Dealing with thousands of clients really makes me tired and exhausted. Not because of the work. But simply because of dealing with this people. Memang bukan sebab kerja tu sebab it is part of the job yang aku dah agree masa aku sign appointment letter tu. Melayan karenah manusia-manusia yang bermacam-macam ni. Tu yang meletihkan tu. Memang lah it is interesting, tapi kadang-kadang tu,

Not to mentioned with the agents who thinks and acts as if they own the company. They can come barging in at the office and yelled as if they were speaking with a haler. Diorang ingat kitorang ni pekak ke apa agaknya. Kadang-kadang tu, kalau ada masalah dengan client diorang, tak pasal pasal kitorang ni jugak yang jadi punching bag diorang.
Yang ada tu pulak, the client is kind and good enough ni! Dah bagi business kat agent tu. Tapi lepas aje dapat close the deal, agent tu pulak yang kena sembunyi dengan orang bunian. Yelah, lesap entah ke mana-mana without a trace. Wahh!! Dah dapat commission, terus hilang. Pastu, kalau client tak puas hati and they are unable to get in touch dengan agent diorang, kitorang jugak lah yang jadi mangsa.

Commoners pun kadang-kadang tak faham dengan concept insurance ni. Dalam kepala diorang, they think that we are some kind of charity centre. Amboi! We are running a business here. Not some kind of non-profit organization yang deal dengan charity fund okeh! Gaji nak kena bayar, bil nak kena settle, board of directors punya goal to meet, share holder punya profit nak kena bagi. Yang diorang ingat, We pay the premium , we can claim on anything. Wah wah wah… banyak lemak. Cuba korang bayangkan,

Orang macam ni lah yang membuat aku tambah sakit jiwa. Memang lah ada client yang okay, baik, berbudi bahasa, understanding. Tapi macam boleh dikira dengan jari. Memang best deal dengan client macam ni. Makes our work more easy. Tapi bila datang aje client macam ni, dengan perangai macam tu, iskk.. aku rasa macam aku nak cincang 18 aje.

To spice things up, kena pulak dengan colleague yang memang mangkuk jamban macam dalam toilet kat Puduraya tu. Lagi lah menyusah kan hidup orang lain yang memang susah ni.

Macam semalam, there was one agent who came to query about something. Pasal client dia ni yang taking up motor insurance policy from one company. He was previously from my company but he is changing it to another one. Alah, benda ni normal lah kan. Tukar tukar insurance company tu memang dah biasa. Dah the power tu at the client. Nak buat macam mana?

So, the agent wanted to query about the client’s No Claim Discount (NCD). I think most of you pun tak apa NCD tu pun. Sesapa yang ade kereta mesti tau punya lah. Tak pun, tanya aje dealer kereta or my partner in crime. Anyway, according to the agent, when the client purchased the new policy, he was not entitled to the NCD. So, client tu instruct lah that agent to find out why.

The agent, with the intention to find out why, mai lah kat office aku. He called the respective marketing executive lah to asked about that thing. From what I’ve heard, dia bukannya mengamuk apa pun, he asked in a proper manner. That colleague of mine pulak yang tiba tiba mengamuk tak tentu pasal and she started yelling back at the agent. In respond, dia punya called got slammed down by that person.

Time tu, darah agent tu dah naik ke satu level dah. Tapi takpe… dia call pulak boss minah tu. So happens that boss dia tu takde and she picked up the called again. Apa lagik, macam singa betina kat Zoo Negara yang hilang laki lah. Mengamuk lagik kat agent tu and she slammed down the phone lagik sekali. Time tu, agent tu memang dah bloody damn pissed off sebab kena slammed down twice. Yang jadikan agen tu tambah terbakar, dia bukannya nak marah2.. dia just nak enquiry aje. Colleague aku yang pepetz berkulat (hehehe.. pinjam ayat fiebie lagik!) tu pulak tak nak keluar. Lagi lah dia angin. Nak gi report kat boss, dia attend meeting and off his handphone pulak.

Minah ni pulak, went and email to my boss asking to settle this matter yang at the first place, memang aku takde idea langsung and memang bukan salah aku. Boss aku yang lagik sorang memang meggelabah punya line pun kecoh-kecoh kat aku suruh settlekan benda ni. Aku pun explain kat boss aku yang memang tak tau ape benda pucuk pangkal tentang benda ni. Tapi aku explain kat dia what are the scenarios and circumstances. Dia pun terhangguk hangguk kononnya faham lah tu. After that, aku pun jadi Magnum PI and pi investigate benda ni. And memang betul client tu entitled to that NCD. And that colleague of mine yang takde pepetz tu yang salah.

Last-last, agent tu called someone else and confirmed that the client is entitled is to that NCD. Aku pun shoot email to reply to the email earlier. Habis cerita. Takde nak jerit-jerit atau ada pertumpahan darah macam pergaduhan kat Taman Medan last time.

Alah, benda bukan besar mana pun. Benda senang dan mudah aje. Yang sorang tu pulak menjerit-menjerit marahkan agent tu. Lagi sorang, menggelabah nak settlekan benda tu. Agent tu pulak angin kus kus satu badan. Macam mana nak settle kalau macam tu. Jangan lah nak tabah fuel to the fire. Kang masing-masing rentung macam keling estate kang, sendiri yg susah. Pelik betul aku! Benda macam ni pun tak bleh nak selesaikan.

Sigh! Sorry lah kalau korang bosan baca aku merapu pasal ni. Just that at times, it kills me inside aje. Tapi , dah ni punca rezeki! What can I do?

P/s : Mr Manager, If you think that the entertainment industry deals with a lot of Divas, well my field goes the same as well. Try asking your financial consultants and insurance agents. Hehehehe… The only thing is that my type of Diva ni takde lah type yang goof pasal dia kena pukul kat tepi jalan then kena campak dalam longkang ke, takde lah sampai bergaduh bertampar bagai kat lokasi

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