Little Man (2006)
Cast :
Marlon Wayans.... Calvin
Linden Porco.... Calvin (Body)
Gabriel Pimental.... Calvin (Body)
Shawn Wayans.... Darryl
Tracy Morgan.... Percy
Kerry Washington.... Vanessa
John Witherspoon.... Pops
Lochlyn Munro.... Greg
Fred Stoller.... Richard
Damien Wayans.... Officer Wilson (as Damien Dante Wayans)
Gary Owen.... Officer Jankowski
Chazz Palminteri.... Walken
John DeSantis.... Bruno
Dave Sheridan.... Rosco
Alex Borstein.... Janet
Directed by : Keenen Ivory Wayans
Writing credits : Keenen Ivory Wayans (written by) &Shawn Wayans (written by)
It's been quite some time since aku buat review movie. So, since aku pun dah tengok cerita ni, buat aje lah. Ada movie lain yg aku tengok. Nanti lah aku review. For now, lets talk about Little Man. Kalau sebut pasal the Wayans, mesti teringat kat Marlon, Shawn, Damon, Keenan Ivory (sekadar nak sebut a few names ajer!). Diorang ni memang terkenal dengan movie-movie bergenre komedi. Marlon Wayan’s for example, aku cukup kenal dia dengan cerita My Wife and Kids. Kebanyakan movie yang diorang buat, mesti akan dilakonkan oleh suku sakat dan sedara mara diorang jugak. Alah, save budget sikit. Lagipun, kalau dengan sedara-sedara, bayaran boleh kasi less sikit. Hehehehe…. Kronisme lah kata kan.
Little Man is the latest movie yang diproduce oleh the Wayans ni. ni bagi aku satu cerita lawak yang ringan aje. Seriously, this is the worse film that the Wayans ever produced. It’s about Darryl (Shawn Wayans) yang memang teringin sangat nak jadi bapak dengan wife dia Vanessa (Kerry Washington). Darryl teringin sangat nak mulakan keluarga dan dapatkan anak dia sendiri tapi masalahnya wife dia still tak ready sebab she wanted to climb the ladder of success dulu.
Calvin ni pulak actually midget. Muka ganas lah kononnya tapi badan kecik aje, standard macam budak umur 8 – 9 tahun aje. He has just been out of prison and dia disambut oleh his partner-in-crime, Percy. Keluar-keluar jel aje, terus buat plan jahat diorang. Diorang ni target nak rompak the Queen’s Diamond, berlian besar bagak from one jewellery shop. Tapi as soon as dia berjaya kebas diamond tu, dia on the hunt by the police pulak. So, in order to get away, dia sudah sembunyikan berlian tu in Vanessa’s handbag.
Diorang pulak overheard Darryl and Vanessa’s conversation pasal nak start a family and have their own child tu. So, in order to get back the diamond, diorang plan for Calvin to be disguised as an abandoned baby and Percy tinggalkan dia kat doorstep rumah Darryl. Dari sini lah bermula cerita Little Man and how they manage and try to get back the diamond. Segala misadvanture, mishap, trick, tragedy semua lah.
Cerita ni plot dia biasa aje. The flow of the movie pun simple and easy. Nothing special. In fact, bagi aku, macam tak ada klimaksnye movie ni. Tak ada apa-apa yang menarik sangat pun dalam movie ni. No shot-shot yang menarik dan One common thing that we can see in Hollywood movies yang ada elemen crook. The villain will be one heck of a brut tapi diorang punya sidekick mesti bodoh-bodoh alang or silly.
Kalau nak enjoy the movie and have a giggle, we’ll aku rasa cerita ni kira okay juga lah. Tapi if you want a good laugh at a good comedy, aku tak rekomen sangat lah. Why? Simply because it is not up to my kind of comedy but still not that bad, eventhough aku rasa diorang can do better than this. The only thing that tick me off is that nilai kekeluargaan yang diorang tunjukkan dalam movie ni. It’s kind of predictable. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that family values are not important. Cuma, yang aku pelik, how can one big time small crook yang baru keluar jail boleh bebaik pulak dengan a family. Seriously! I think it’s kind of silly.
Sama jugak dengan special effects to make Marlon Wayans to midget. According to IMDB, diorang gunakan 2 bodies to change him to a midget. Kira okay lah eventhough aku tak makan sangat dengan effect dia tu. Not 100 % perfect and believable but just okay.
Lagi satu, cerita ni kurang elemen komedinya. Aku ada baca somewhere yang this movie is better than the White Chick tapi aku tak berapa setuju sangat. If you ask me to compare Little Man and White Chick, aku akan pilih White Chick sebab it’s more entertaining. Simply because of that. Like I said, cerita ni cerita ringan aje. Aku takde lah expect that much in this type of movies. Biasa aje kalau nak dibandingkan dengan cerita komedi yg lain, aku rasa Little Man ni biasa aje. Wayans patutnya put more elemen komedi yang lagik ngam
Fyi, ada camoe Rob Schneider dalam movie ni. Does it help? Not really, I think. Kemunculan dia tak lah membantu sangat cerita ni.
Anyway, kalau korang ada spare time and money but no other movie’s to watch at the cinema, kira okay lah. But if not, just wait for it to come our either kat HBO or Star Movies aje. Tak pun tunggu aje kat Astro Box Office. Sure akan keluar soon punya.
For this movie, aku kasi ** / *****