Goodbye 2006. Ola 2007!
One year has already passed by. Dalam setahun ni, macam-macam benda dah jadi dan macam macam benda yang still aku belum dapat capai lagi. But I can say that about 80% of what I aimed dah tercapai. Alhamdulillah. I am blessed by god for a great year. Ada juga yang belum tercapai. But never despair, itu memang memerlukan masa yang panjang. That's why I never have any new year resolution. For what? Kalau kita tak boleh nak capai benda tu? Lagi baik kalau kita set our goal on something and work for it. No time limit given. Insya allah.
Hope to see a great new year in 2007 and may a great year be for the movie fans out there. Great things will happen and insya allah, may we all be blessed with a better and longer life. Full with excitement. Insya allah!
p/s : Al-fatihah untuk Saddam Hussein yang digantung right on Aidiladha this year.
Labels: personal
epi niu year dude!
Posted by
Edd Vedder |
10:03 AM
Selamat Hari Raya, Ijan, Maaf Zahir & Batin dan juga Selamat Melangkah ke dalam tahun 2007. Semoga tahun akan datang ni lebih baik drp tahun2 lepas!
Posted by
Zack |
10:00 PM
Selamat tahun baru 2007 :)
Posted by
waiem |
12:02 PM
edd, zack & waiem, happy new year too all of you too....
Posted by
maddox |
3:55 PM