Ooh! La! La!
Here is Maddox's List of 10 most beautiful women of all time!!!
It is in no consequtive orders. Cuma 10 women who Maddox thinks gives Beauty a whole new meaning.
Header : There is only 7 here. Didn't have enough time to finish it. Been to busy lately. Ni pun took me days. Insya allah, I will finish it by Monday. So, just enjoy apa yang ada ni dulu. Okay?
1. Queen Rania of Jordan

She is no movie star, she is no pop or R & B singer... But she is well known for her beauty. Walaupun dia nak berumur sikit, but i choose her to be the number one because aura dia ni kuat semacam.
She is well known for her charity work and isteri pembesar kat Jordan. She really know how to carry herself very well. She reminds me alot about Princess D. Bodoh Charles, pi ceraikan dia and got married to Camilla yang huduh macam wicked witch tu ajer! Oh Rania!! With that sweet smile, walaupun kau ni dah tua sikit, aku rasa ramai yang boleh cair beb!
2. ASH

Memang one of asian best kept secret lah. Sejak menang Miss World (I think!!!) tu... Dia ni memang meletop! She is now making her move in the Hollywood! And her stars there seems to be shining quite well.. So, keeping an eye on that. Just that, I heard her movie, Bride and Prejudice is not doing very well.
However, I really like her dalam cerita Devdas. Konon-konon macam perempuan yang setia menanti kekasih sejati dia tu!!! Who at last got married to a prostitute. She has really made India proud..
3. Audrey Hepburn

Frankly speaking, I don't know a thing about this lady. Seriously! But the moment I saw her face, I fell in love with her. Adu!!! She is really some classic beauty in a class of her own!.
Aku ada ingat dalam America's Next Top model 2, one of the photo shoot, Yoanna kena bergambar macam ala-ala dia ni... Aduh!! Lawanya aku cakap!!!
4 Angelina Jolie

I love her lips!! I love her lips!!! Period!!! ahahaha... kalau tak silap aku, aku mula kenal dia ni masa cerita Hackers. Time tu rambut dia pendek giler... Macam jantan pun ada.. kalau tak silap aku, Crash Override dengan Zero Cool nama watak dalah cerita tu.
But seriously... She is like a sex bomb lah! Sexy giler lah!!! Memang menjilat ****** lah!!! (censored la pulak!!!) Tapi why does she have to choose Brad Pitt over me??? Damn!!!
5. Natalie Portman

Queen Amidala aka Padme aka Natalie Portman. I fell in love with her masa mula mula aku nampak dia dalam Star Wars Episode 1.... Walaupun she is good, tapi dia ni tak lupakan pelajaran. She is a Harvard Grad ( If I am not wrong lah!!) for English Literature. And based on my readings, she's top of her class..
Haaa.. who said that beauty does not come with brawn!! minah ni dah buktikan that anyone can do it.... berlakon tetap berlakon... tapi, study tetap power... Tomorrow gonna watch V for Vandetta with Mr Iron Board!! Gonna give my comments later!!!
6. Camelia

Malaysia's very own pearl and sweet heart. Aku pun tak tau what is so special about her.. But she has that X factor that makes people attraced to her.. What.. don't ask me...
She has carry nama Malaysia all around the world! Sampai ke France pun dah sampai.. Sampai ada sorang mamat photographer tu gila nak ambik gambar dia lah.. Dia ni sinonim dengan Tom Abang Saufi.. Maybe they are from the same soil kot. That is why the bond is strong!
7. Dian Sastrowardoyo

Gua mula kenal dia masa AADC. Time scene dia dengan Nico dok kissing mouth tu.. Damn!! Si Nico tu pulak yang dapat!!!Aku terbayang kan.. If I am that lucky son of a gun... sure gua tak lepas punya lah!! Heheheheh.... geram siot.. But she is like Natalie Portman, beauty and brain goes parallel. Cantik pun cantik.. pandai pun pandai....
Too bad she and Malique (Too Phat) did work out lah... tu lah malique.. kalau aku jadi kau lah... darn!!! I won't let her go, dude!
It is in no consequtive orders. Cuma 10 women who Maddox thinks gives Beauty a whole new meaning.
Header : There is only 7 here. Didn't have enough time to finish it. Been to busy lately. Ni pun took me days. Insya allah, I will finish it by Monday. So, just enjoy apa yang ada ni dulu. Okay?
1. Queen Rania of Jordan

She is no movie star, she is no pop or R & B singer... But she is well known for her beauty. Walaupun dia nak berumur sikit, but i choose her to be the number one because aura dia ni kuat semacam.
She is well known for her charity work and isteri pembesar kat Jordan. She really know how to carry herself very well. She reminds me alot about Princess D. Bodoh Charles, pi ceraikan dia and got married to Camilla yang huduh macam wicked witch tu ajer! Oh Rania!! With that sweet smile, walaupun kau ni dah tua sikit, aku rasa ramai yang boleh cair beb!
2. ASH

Memang one of asian best kept secret lah. Sejak menang Miss World (I think!!!) tu... Dia ni memang meletop! She is now making her move in the Hollywood! And her stars there seems to be shining quite well.. So, keeping an eye on that. Just that, I heard her movie, Bride and Prejudice is not doing very well.
However, I really like her dalam cerita Devdas. Konon-konon macam perempuan yang setia menanti kekasih sejati dia tu!!! Who at last got married to a prostitute. She has really made India proud..
3. Audrey Hepburn

Frankly speaking, I don't know a thing about this lady. Seriously! But the moment I saw her face, I fell in love with her. Adu!!! She is really some classic beauty in a class of her own!.
Aku ada ingat dalam America's Next Top model 2, one of the photo shoot, Yoanna kena bergambar macam ala-ala dia ni... Aduh!! Lawanya aku cakap!!!
4 Angelina Jolie

I love her lips!! I love her lips!!! Period!!! ahahaha... kalau tak silap aku, aku mula kenal dia ni masa cerita Hackers. Time tu rambut dia pendek giler... Macam jantan pun ada.. kalau tak silap aku, Crash Override dengan Zero Cool nama watak dalah cerita tu.
But seriously... She is like a sex bomb lah! Sexy giler lah!!! Memang menjilat ****** lah!!! (censored la pulak!!!) Tapi why does she have to choose Brad Pitt over me??? Damn!!!
5. Natalie Portman

Queen Amidala aka Padme aka Natalie Portman. I fell in love with her masa mula mula aku nampak dia dalam Star Wars Episode 1.... Walaupun she is good, tapi dia ni tak lupakan pelajaran. She is a Harvard Grad ( If I am not wrong lah!!) for English Literature. And based on my readings, she's top of her class..
Haaa.. who said that beauty does not come with brawn!! minah ni dah buktikan that anyone can do it.... berlakon tetap berlakon... tapi, study tetap power... Tomorrow gonna watch V for Vandetta with Mr Iron Board!! Gonna give my comments later!!!
6. Camelia

Malaysia's very own pearl and sweet heart. Aku pun tak tau what is so special about her.. But she has that X factor that makes people attraced to her.. What.. don't ask me...
She has carry nama Malaysia all around the world! Sampai ke France pun dah sampai.. Sampai ada sorang mamat photographer tu gila nak ambik gambar dia lah.. Dia ni sinonim dengan Tom Abang Saufi.. Maybe they are from the same soil kot. That is why the bond is strong!
7. Dian Sastrowardoyo

Gua mula kenal dia masa AADC. Time scene dia dengan Nico dok kissing mouth tu.. Damn!! Si Nico tu pulak yang dapat!!!Aku terbayang kan.. If I am that lucky son of a gun... sure gua tak lepas punya lah!! Heheheheh.... geram siot.. But she is like Natalie Portman, beauty and brain goes parallel. Cantik pun cantik.. pandai pun pandai....
Too bad she and Malique (Too Phat) did work out lah... tu lah malique.. kalau aku jadi kau lah... darn!!! I won't let her go, dude!