7 Guys, 6 Girls & An Eating Place!

Datin Azura!!! Mengandung dah awak ya!!!
The traffic was freaking bad. At first, we wanted to go through Federal Highway, tapi, dek kerana kebijaksanaan kawan aku yang sorang ni, we decided to take another route. He told us to go through NPE. At last, sampai kat round-about Assunta, there you go. The traffic was even worse. Teruk kena kutuk kawan gua tu. Hahaha!!! siap boleh buat lawak U-Turn. Turn back to Federal Highway!! Are you nuts?
Il Co-ordinator! Mr Fazri! Pondering upon his darkened future!! Hahaha!!!
So, decided to take NPE jugak lah. Nak buat macam mana kan? Don't ask us to turn back and take federal highway. Way too stuck in the jam to turn back. My friends who arrived earlier dah call berkali-kalo.... Asking where are we.. where are we... Yik Fung with her Chinese slang was even better..!!! Oi!!! You all kat mana, haaa!!! Hahahah!!! We giggled all the way to Sunway Piramid. Sampai sana still buat lawak U-Turn. Hahahaha!!!
My angels!!! Girrrrl Power!!!
Masa masuk parking tu, the restaurant people dah call. Tapi I did not manage to pick up the call. Vibrate.. mana gua nak dengar. Anyway, when we all arrived there, muka yang lain dah macam ayam berak kapur yang kelaparan. Hahahah!!! Sorry la guys!!
Apa tengok-tengok???? Hehehe!! It's me lah!!
It's a good thing that I have already reserved a place there. Orang pulak tak ramai.. Thank God!!! Sampai-sampai aje, masing masing dengan gaya tak ingat dunia terus mencapai makanan. Mentang-mentang la buffet, masing-masing makan macam ular yang tak makan setahun.
Haikal & Mariah, Pasangan romantik... ye ke??
We stayed there sampai lebih kurang 9-ish.. One of my friend broke the news that he/she is leaving the company. Time tu, muka masing-masing macam kena cuka, masam aje. Nasib baik he/she told us masa lepas makan. Kalau tak, potong selera masing-masing. Where she is leaving? It remains a secret first. I know it but for the sake of all. Better keep it quiet dulu!
Kalai!! The guilty party!! Wei!!! Get that camera off of me!!!
Whatever it is, I really enjoyed the time there. Dah lama sangat tak berkumpul macam ni. So, macam-macam cerita lah yang keluar. We left there macam ular yang kekenyangan lepas membahan seekor anak kambing.!!
Yik Fung & Lau Khong (Bernard)
Here are the rest of the pics that I managed to take there:
Zeti & Teddy Bear dia!!
Linda, makan tak ingat dunia!!!
Kak Yan!!! Our Mummy Dearest!!!