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Poseidon (2006)


Josh Lucas.... Dylan Johns
Kurt Russell.... Robert Ramsey
Jacinda Barrett.... Maggie James
Richard Dreyfuss.... Richard Nelson
Jimmy Bennett.... Conor James
Emmy Rossum.... Jennifer Ramsey
Mike Vogel.... Christian
Mía Maestro.... Elena Gonzalez
Andre Braugher.... Captain Michael Bradford
Kevin Dillon.... Lucky Larry
Freddy Rodríguez.... Marco Valentin
Kirk B.R. Woller.... Chief Officer Reynolds
Kelly McNair.... Emily
Stacy Ferguson.... Gloria
Gabriel Jarret.... First Officer Chapman

Last Friday, oleh kerana kebosanan tahap dewa yang melanda, gua pun decide to get the hell out of my house and head towards Midvalley.

Poseidon ni actually means Greek God or Lord of the Sea. He's like the most powerful, mighty, superb lord of the sea lah. (ehhh.. bukan Triton ke lord of the sea??? Entah lah!!!) Tapi, in this movie, tak lah powerful and mighty sangat pun. Actually, Poseidon in this movie is the name of a ship. A big and humongous cruise ship to be exact. Memang majestic lah kapal ni dalam cerita ni.
The story started of with a new year celebration on board the luxury cruise ship with dinner, wine and dancing. Ada jugak yang celebrate inside a disco. Everything went fine, celebration, new years cheers and stuff. Semua tengah happy-happy dan happening, suddenly, the captain on board perasan akan something wrong. A big turbulance, a rogue wave of 150 feet high is coming vigarously towards the ship. Kapten tu tried to steer the ship away, but it was too late.

The wave strikes with colossal force, telah menterbalikkan kapal tu. Ramai lah yang mati, yang pengsan, yang separuh sedar dan macam macam lagik. Habis hancur semua dalam kapal tu. Yang tinggal hanya mereka yang terselamat, stucked in the ballroom and a few dalam disko tu. Kaptain Bradford telah menasihatkan semua supaya stay still and wait for the rescue team to arrive.

Dylan Johns, pro gambler decides to test the odds alone and tries to look for a way out. Robert Ramsey, who is worried sick about his daughter, Jennifer decided to join in and followed by Maggie and Connor. Pastu, sorang tua nama Nelson and a chef name Valentin pun join sekali. Mulalah advanture diorang untuk selamatkan anak si Ramsey ni. Lepas tu, diorang jumpa anak si Ramsey dengan boyfriend dia kat Disco, accompanied by Elena and the flambouyant Lucky Larry. Dylan becomes the leader that is responsible to take all of them to safety.

Lepas tu, bermulalah kasi dan adegan menyelamatkan diri dorang untuk naik ke permukaan. Memula tu, Lukcy Larry mati, pastu Elena mati, pastu, si Robert Ramsey pulak mati. Alah.. ada lah afew adegan touching about love yang menyebabkan Elena dgn Robert ni mati. They venture to each layer of the ship and finds some difficulty along the way.

At last, ada jugak a few yang terselamat. Siapa dan bagaimana dia terselamat, go and check it out.

Gua suka :

1. Fergie from B.E.P (Black Eyed Peas) was featured in this movie. She was the singer in the dining room. Aduuh!!! Sungguh la gua jatuh cinta dengan minah ni.

2. The bonds that each character formed in this journey, by every step and climbs that they took, became stronger and stronger. Macam Dylan, dia tak boleh terima kematian Elena yang lemas dan terhentak kepala dia kat dalam kapal tu.

3. Set yang diorang gunakan. Perrgggghh!! Must have cost millions tu do it. Dari, deck. atas kapal, dalam bilik, engine room, ballroom, lobby kapal tu, disco, casino, senang cakap SEMUA LAH. Memang gah sungguh! Teringat pada Titanic.

4. Scene bila Nelson had to kick Valentin in order to save himself. Bukan apa, either loose both of them, or loose on. Nelson decided to kick Valentin off. SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST ker???

Gua tak berapa suka:

1. Gua pelik lah. Entah berapa gelen of water yang telah digunakan didalam pembikinan. Dari awal sampai lah ke akhir filem nie, it is full of water. Menyelam, dalam kapal, atas kapal, lemas, berlari, selamatkan diri, semua ada kena mengena dengan water. Agaknya, kalau kat Malaysia ni, mau untung Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor @ P.U.A.S. agaknya. Pastu, kena catu lah bekalan air kat sekitar lembah kelang.

2. Another thing, takkan lah dalam beribu orang yang ada kat dalam kapal tu, hanya 5 orang aje yang terselamat. Itupun, sorang orang tua, sorang budak kecik, sorang jantan macho dan 2 orang wanita.

3. But that is the miracle of Hollywood. Macam-macam benda boleh direka dan fantasi yang jadi kenyataan. Budget besar, so, apa nak heran kan?

4. Effect CGI yang kurang menjadi dalam filem ni. Ada certain scene tu nampak macam dibuat-buat dan nampak lemah. Especially, the last scene tu. Tapi, gua suka masa kapal tu kena dengan the tidal wave. Kecut perut gak lah!!!.

This movie was actually a remake of the Poseidon Advanture in 1972. Gua tak pernak tengok cerita version 1972 ni. Apa-apa pun, gua agak kecewa dengan movie ni. In terms of the cast, semuanya okay, cuma storyline dia nampak biasa dan effect dia yang terlampau dibuat-buat. Kalau setakat nak rehatkan minda, relax-relax, boleh lah layan movie ni. Don't expect much lah.

Gua kasi : *** / *****

Robert Ramsey: There's nothing fair about who lives and who dies.

My complete profile, darn it!

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