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Agggh!! I don't know what tittle to put! Darn!

Agghh.. very tiring! Slept quite late last night watching Astro and I had to wake up early to come to the office. Took nasi lemak and coffee for breakfast, took my bath, and out of the house. There goes my sleeping time on Saturday. I even cancelled my tuition class today. Hmm... What a life!!
It's been a busy week for me. Not enough 5 days a week of work, I had to come on Saturday to finish up my work. This is because I won't be around on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week. I am going for a training in MII, Jalan Semantan 3.
Actually, they did not confirm the date yet as MII did not get enough participants to attend the course. And i thought, what the heck, may be the course is gonna be in mid of May. Suddenly, got a phone call from HR Dept saying that MII had confirm the date. Last minute confirmation. Good! You expect the MII to be some professional body, turn out to be something else. They are always like that! But, whatever it is, since the company paid for it and a chance to get the hell out of office for 3 days, hmm.. why not. Suffer a wee bit, and enjoy the next week.
Furthermore, next week will be near the closing accounts for April. So, not being in the office for 3 days, thinking of it is closing, and the tonnes of work on my table, I have no other choice than to come to work on Saturday. In between my work, still got a chance to blog and post an entry to my blog. Hehehhe... killing two birds with one stone.
Anyway, got to continue my work. See you later!

Adios Muchachos!
p/s :  Amir, I know you are reading this. So, if anything comes up, gimme a call. Keep me updated!

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