I am not going to comment long about Anugerah Juara Lagu 22 held last night. I mean, the results are already out and Anugerah Juara Lagu pun dah diketahui siapa pemenang setiap kategori dan Juara keseluruhannya. Aku cuma nak recap balik the show and bagi little comment sahaja.
Opening Show
Pembukaan yang fresh from Man Kidal, Francisca Peter and Quest. Quest who? No idea on who these clowns are but it was a good combination with a fresh arrangement for a very old song. Seriously! What a lift-off for a start. The energy boosted bila Man Kidal did what he does best. Aku suka dengan persembahan pembukaan Anugerah Juara Lagu this year compared to last year when they did an urban hip-hop mix.
Set 1
Hantaran Hati (Bob/Aspalela Abdullah) Nik Nizam / Rosminah Tahir
Juwita Citra Terindah (M Nasir) M Nasir / M Nasir
Ku Seru (Misha Omar) Ajai / Habsah Hassan & Shuhaimi Baba
Dalam set pertama persembahan, Hantaran Hati, Juwita Citra Terindah & Ku Seru was performed. Hantaran Hati was a good performance vocally by Bob and Aspalela Abdullah. Tak kisah lah kalau ada rombongan Cik Kiah yang ambil alih tugas Noraniza Idris sambil membawa dulang pahar kat atas pentas tu. I enjoyed their singing.
Juwita Citra Terindah was a little bit off for me. I am hoping that would do his magic on stage but not to my avail, it was just too simple. At times, aku dapat rasa yang the music and M Nasir's singing didn't really jelled M Nasir didn't present the song well enough dengan karisman dia sendiri. It was too relaxed. Walau bagaimanapun, aku enjoy persembahan dia sebab lagu tu sendiri.
Misha, despite singing the song well, her performance was pretty much lame. It was the same thing and the same move over and over again. Gaya yang sama juga untuk persembahan Pulangkan dan Bunga-Bunga Cinta. Sayang, the singing was excellent but the performance wasn't up to my expectation. Eventhough this song is nothing near to Pulangkan, but vocal Misha malam tadi cukup baik.
Set 2
Zapin Cinta SMS (Senario & Adibah Noor) Anuar Dahlan / Anuar Dahlan
Diari Seorang Lelaki (Pretty Ugly) Neves / Neves
Mungkir Bahagia (Hazami) Rozita Mohd Ali / Hazami
One thing I felt like telling those Senario bunch is that " Korang dah out of date lah". Throw away those act and try to think of a new one. Thanks to Adibah Noor who saved the show with her powerful voice. Kalau nak harapkan those clown, I don't think that song will be that good. Nasib baik lah Adibah Noor is adorable. Walaupun berbadan besar, tapi she's just so cute dengan character tu. One of my least fave of the night, yang menarik tentang lagu ni is because it's funny. Tapi, ada satu kesamaan dengan lagu dari Senario sebelum ni jugak. I forgot the song but it is really similar.
I like the song, I like Pretty Ugly but I hate the performance. Well, one, what's with the suit? You don't sing that kind of song with that kind of attire. Tak kena lah beb! Takde attitude langsung. Ataupun memang TV3 dah tetapkan attire macam tu? Two, they arrange the song so that it sounds a little jazzy with the piano. Melarikan mood lagu tu. One more thing! For goodness sake, take the "T" slang out when you're singing dude!
Mungkir Bahagia was the best performance that night. Lagu yang sedemikian dipersembahkan dengan melodi dan lirik yang baik, memang kena dengan gaya Hazami. Walaupun dia menggunakan konsep membawa anak murid-anak muridnya yang similar to last year, it was still a good performance with a good song. Certainly one of my favourite song to win Anugerah Juara Lagu this year.
Set 3
Candak (Syura) Suhaimi Mohd Zain / Lokman Ghani
Lagu Jiwa Lagu Cinta (Mawi & M Nasir) M Nasir / Loloq
Terlalu Istimewa (Adibah Noor) Azlan Abu Hassan / Adibah Noor
I mentioned Syura because she is the original singer yang digantikan oleh Siti Nordiana. Tak ada cacatnya lagu yang dipersembahkan Siti Nordiana ni. The reason is why it is so simple and straight forward. That's about it. Nothing special to talk about and nothing that bad to say too. Frankly, it's not a winning material for me but it was just okay. Same goes to Siti Nordiana's performance. It was just okay.
Okay, out of the 12, Lagu Jiwa Lagu Cinta was the worst performance that night. Yes, it was entertaining but it was just worse. Okay! I am saying this at the risk of being condemned by his fans but guys, not that I have anything against Mawi (which I really do!) and M Nasir is one hell of a guy, but the performance was just bad to the bone. Don't get me started on it but the wig was bad, those bad free-body move and gaya hilang akal Mawi. I didn't enjoy the performance. It was the performance, not the song. It made the song looked bad.
I like Adibah's performance but using kids as a tool for the performance was cliché enough. Maybe because this song was made for Nurul Huda (which was tortured till death, I think) yang membuatkan persembahan ni menggunakan kanak-kanak. Tapi apa-apa pun, aku enjoy dengan persembahan Adibah Noor and the song is a good piece too. Lagu yang cukup bermakna eventhough it contains a simple lyrics.
Set 4
Warkah Buat Laila(Zahib) Ayob Ibrahim / Habsah Hassan
Tak Tercapai Akalmu (Elyana) Aidit Alfian / Ad
Secebis Harapan (Nora) Zulkifli Mamat / Noor
Zahid started off the the last set with a very commandable performance with Warkah Buat Laila. The feel was good, the singing was good and the song was good. What I like about the performance and the song was a fusion combination between the Indian instruments like talba dengan the eastern sound. It's very soothing to the ears and the lyric is very meaningful.
Aku tak tau korang perasan ke tak tapi aku rasa imej dan penampilan Elyana malam tadi ada banyak elemen gothic., Bila aku tengok kombinasi hitam dan merah tu, it reminds me of Amy Lee from Evanescense .Alah, I didn't know the real thing about it but kalau korang pernah jejakkan kaki ke Uptown, you'll see a lot of these
Nora ended the show with a slow piece. Sesuai dengan kesedihan mangsa-mangsa banjir kat selatan tanah air tu. The strength of the song really rely on Nora's vocal. Lagu tu lagu slow yang mendayu-dayu. Other than that, aku rasa lagu ni biasa aje.
Persembahan Bonus
Persembahan bonus was pretty awkward, if you ask me.Instead of doing a mix of song, why not do a medley on all the winners of the previous Anugerah Juara Lagu? Aku rasa ia akan jadi lebih menarik when all the guest singers sings a medley of the previous winners. It will be more meaningfull considering that Juara Lagu is already 22 years old. Apa-apa pun, persembahan terbaik would go to Faizal OIAM yang membawa lagu Raikan Cinta dengan style rocknya sendiri.
Joe Flizzow and Ima (Bintang Cari Bintang) was okay eventhough goyang Ima tu dah sebijik dengan mentornya, Si Penggelek Gerudi tu. Joe Flizzow, Yassin, Akbar & Daly singing Alhamdulillah? Isn't that song old? Why choose that song? Hmm.. entah lah! Ella? Well, her attempt to rock the traditional song was Hmm. I'm lost with words. Ulek Mayang tu lagu yang sangat sacred. Singing it in a rock tune, was funny. Nice but funny. Bakal Datin Noraniza Idris was slightly off with her collaboration with V.E. I just don't get it! I don't really like the combination. Aku tak faham apa lagu tu sebenarnya. Period!
Dayang, despite that damn sexy appealing steals the show with her very revealing dress, menyakitkan telinga aku bila dia menghancurkan lagu tu dengan style dia sendiri. Yes, she has her own style, but can't she just stick to the old version? What? Just because the theme was fusion, she has to change the song is it? If I was Datik Orked Abdullah, I would surely be upset over that. Mata aku lebih melekat pada keseksian Dayang compared to her performance
Persembahan Terbaik Hazami & Mungkir Bahagia.
Hey, even my dad enjoyed Hazami's performance. Walaupun dia tu sedikit anti-Hazami, tapi the first thing that came from his mouth was " Boleh menang persembahan terbaik ni". Haaa! Itu cakap orang yang baru balik dari surau tu! Anyway, the mime act by hazami's students really help a lot.Aku paling suka the closing of the song when the students gathered around him.
Vokal Terbaik - Adibah Noor.
My bid to win the category after watching all the performance was either Hazami, Adibah Noor, Misha or Nora. And Adibah's victory was nothing than proving that she is something that should be taken seriously. I am sure that the audience was stung by her voice last night.
Kategori Etnik Kreatif & Irama Malaysia - Warkah Buat Laila
Well, it was a deserved victory for Warkah Buat Laila after winning at Anugerah Industri Muzik and Festival Filem Malaysia. Aku meamng dah agak yang Warkah Buat Laila yang akan merangkul kategori Etnik Kreatif & Irama Malaysia. Saingan terdekat pun mungkin datang dari Bob & Aspalela Abdullah dengan hantaran hati. The rest 2, aku rasa sekadar pelengkap korum aje.
Kategori Pop Rock - Juwita Citra Terindah
This is of no shock for me because M Nasir has quite a good record in his previous participation in Juara Lagu. So, memang dari awal aku dah pilih lagu ni untuk menjuarai kategori ni. Yang boleh bagi close fight pun mungkin Diari Seorang Lelaki aje. Aku memang jangka yang Lagu Jiwa Lagu Cinta takkan menang. Not unless it was judged by SMS. Then, without a shadow of a doubt LJLC will win.
Kategori Balada - Terlalu Istimewa
My top choice would be Mungkir Bahagia or Terlalu Istimewa. Dua-dua lagu boleh diterima gegendang telinga aku ni. Komen lain, sama macam kat bawah ni.
Anugerah Juara Lagu : Terlalu Istimewa (Azlan Abu Hassan / Adibah Noor)
At last, Adibah Noor got what just she deserved. Walaupun I am aiming for M Nasir to win, tapi kalah pada tangan Adibah Noor wasn't that bad Malam tu memang malam yang TERLALU ISTIMEWA buat Adibah Noor. Segala perit jerih dan penat lelah Adibah Noor selama 15 tahun didalam industry finally paid off. Mesti Adibah cakap dalam hati "Dapat jugak aku modal balik buat album guna duit sendiri". Well, swapping about RM 47,000 was really nothing compared to the satisfaction on Adibah's face when she grabbed the award. Aku rasa it was a sweet victory for Adibah Noor that night.
Sememangnya pemenang Anugerah Juara Lagu selalu datang dari kategori kategori Balada. Pop-Rock tu jarang-jarang jugak. Jarang sangat datang dari kategori Etnik Kreatif & Irama Malaysia (Well, not after Siti Nurhaliza left Anugerah Juara Lagu). Keputusan tahun ni tak ada lah menimbulkan kontroversi sangat kalau nak dicomparekan dengan tahun-tahun sudah. Well, that's what I hope! Juri dah tentulah lagu mana yang lebih layak digelar Juara Lagu. Tak perlu nak "rumah siap, pahat berbunyi".
P/s : Hahahaha!!!! ade aje yang tak kena dekat mata aku ye. Jangan baca entry ni dengan perasaan benci dan mengutuk. Cuma baca dengan sikap nak membina. That's all. I am just a fan and not a highly commendable critic.
Labels: Music
pop rock ader, balada ader,
aiseh, wat happen to kategori dangdut???
marah ler "pengiat, pengamal & pengikut seni" dangdut cam nih !!!
hins hins hins.
Posted by
xazaru |
5:44 PM
takkan kau expect Dyg nak nyanyi style Oked Abdullah kot... masing2 ada their own style mlm tu.
but i have to agree on her sexyness...yummy...!!!
Posted by
Lord Vorphalack |
11:39 AM