Untuk makluman kengkawan sekelian, Ironboard will be off from blogging for a while sebab HER daughter is admitted into Hospital Pantai, Cheras due to suspected demam denggi. Alisya ( IB's daughter) has been admitted since monday and her temperature was as high as 40 degrees. HER mother is also undergoing a treatment (I forgot what) in HUKM.
I am passing a message from Ironboard. Kalau pada sesiapa yang rindu dengan blog dia, tunggu dan sabar aje. Kalau ada yang gilakan Babes of the Week dia tu, nanti-nanti dia akan posting lagik. (Itu lah ayat IB yang perasan famous!hahahah... just kiddin' dude)
Apa-apapun, Lets pray for Alisya and HER mother'swell being and hope that she get well soon. Insya Allah.
p/s : HER is actually a HE.
Labels: personal
wish him well dude. Hoping everything's OK.
Posted by
Edd Vedder |
9:38 AM
insya allah! I've conveyed the message to him
Posted by
maddox |
1:42 PM
aku baru tahu hari ni (sebab baru buka baca entry ni hari ni). harap2 anak IB dah sembuh masa ni. kirim salam utk IB.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:05 PM
yea kawan2 semua... anak aku dah kluar spital lepas seminggu kat sana. Dah tepu betul otak aku tidur kat spital hari2...!thanks u ols for ur concern...!
Posted by
Lord Vorphalack |
1:18 PM
Takpe bang. sabor jelah.
Aku tau bagaimana siksanya tidor spital temankan anak...
Posted by
Zack |
10:20 PM