Cicak-Man (2006)

Pelakon : Saiful Apek, Yusry Abd Halim, Fasha Sandha, Aznil Hj Nawawi, AC Mizal, Adlin Aman Ramli, Yasmin Hani
Pengarah : Yusry Abd. Halim
Sinopsis : Hairi and Danny are best friends and both of them are working as scientist at Klon Technology owned by Professor Klon. (if they really are scientist, they bring a whole new meaning of 'em). Set in a metropolitan city named Metrofulus, yang bersalji (kelakar pun ada sebab I find the salji ridiculous!), Hairi and Danny, walaupun kedua-duanya saintis, but they are any other normal Samaritan yang lead a very normal life. Going to work with public transport, makan nasi bungkus.. that sort of stuff.
It's a basic routine for any normal people, I guess. Until one day, something changes Hairi's life forever. Hahahah bunyik macam gempak aje padahal dia cuma terminum air dan terus tertelan cicak yang sepatutnya jadi bahan ujikaji dia. Dari situ, hidupnya berubah sebab dia mendapat superhero power macam seekor cicak. It became more interesting bila Hairi, Danny & Tania mendapat tahu tentang rancangan jahat Professor Klon (Like any other evil-doers in a superhero movies would do!). Professor Klon is actually the owner of Klon Technology who makes money by an evil scheme. He is the one responsible to dispurse out viruses and finding the cure himself.
Danny, kawan baik Hairi yang sanggup buat apa saja untuk kawan dia. Sampaikan he was mistook for being Cicakman himself oleh Tania, The Ginger Boys and Professor Klon himself. Danny yang cuba mencari the cure for Hairi and ended up in the clutches of Professor Klon and the Ginger Boys. Danny in the movie, I find him a little bit sissy. Kes yang sama dengan semua lakonan Yusry yang aku pernah tengok.
Hairi ni in person is an introvert person. Walaupun dia suka pada Tania, tapi disebabkan perangai malu-malu kucing kurap dia tu, dia pun melepaskan awek dia tu yg sudah dimisunderstood the whole situation.
Tania is the secretary for Professor Klon yang nak aku kata the girl next door, mungkin kot. But she is to blame for being too vulnerable. She overheard about Klon's evil plan to kidnapped the 5 minister of Metrofulus and take over the city.
See the misadventure and mishaps of Hairi and Danny when they are both in trouble.
About the Movie:
Saiful Apek (Hairi & Cicakman) Bagi aku, Apek punya lakonan biasa aje. What you see in Apek in all of his movie, will be just the same. Tapi kali ni it's just a wee bit more. He has to do some serious act in the movie. Menjadi? Well, A for effort, I think. Mungkin kalau dia nak go on taking serious part, he has to work harder kot. Sebab aku tengok dia serious pun aku nak gelak. Heheheh !!
Yusry (Dannny) Yusry.. Yusry Yusry, you my boy, can't really act. Lagi baik menyanyi aje lah. Anyhow, he has add something in his portfolio, pengarah filem. A very good effort for a first timer I guess. On the Danny's side, lakonan dia still tak strong enough. Well, not as bad as Cinta Kolestrol lah pun. But still weak. Lakonan yang agak lemah dengan body language, expression & penhayatan yang kosong.
Fasha (Tania) As what I've said in my post about CINTA, Fasha is just Fasha. She can act but that's about it. There's no x-factor that will make me really be awed dengan lakonan dia (besides her good look la, beb!). Mungkin Fasha still belum dapat watak betul-betul mencabar. I want more from Fasha. I know she is more than just beautiful look.
Aznil (Professor Klon) If he was meant to carry the character like that, then aku boleh kasi dia 4 bintang dalam lakonan dia. But the fact is that, what you see in Professor Klon is Aznil himself. Wacky, crazy, chaotic & hectic Well, that is how I can describe Professor Klon. Aku tak pernah tengok Azlin serious. Kalau serious dalam AF pun, serious yang dibuat-buat. So, I don't think it's hard for him to act as Professor Klon but lakonannya biasa aje. Nothing that great. In fact, up to a point, it's pretty annoying. Annoying sebab watak tu sendiri requires me to be so.
Adlin Aman Ramli & AC Mizal (Ginger 1 & Ginger 2) : A very funny but humorously irritating act by both of them. Adlin is playing dumb and AC is just plain. Adlin yang berwatak Ginger 1 bisu tak berapa menarik perhatian aku. In fact, I find it rather awkward seeing Adlin Aman Ramli acting out as Ginger 1 without a voice. Mungkin watak macam ni lain dari benda yang selalu dia bawa, but it's pretting much annoying. AC as Ginger 2, macam mana nak cakap ek? I just can't make out the words. Okay but quite disappointing, I guess!
Yasmin Hani : Watak tempelan sahaja. Nothing much too say about her character but if she is polished and groomed well, she can be a good actress.
Alah, ni dah kira tipikal plot and storyline untuk mana-mana movie pasal superhero ni. This guy dapat superpower, and then saves this damsel in distress, berlawan dengan orang jahat yang plan to take over the world and someone died. Heck, isn't that what a superhero movie is all about? Superman ke, Spiderman ke, X-Men ke, Fantastic Four ke, the plot basically revolves around that.
As I've said, the movie has the normal ingredient that any superhero movies had. Cuma kalau nak dikira, yang buat filem ni really stand out of the crowd is because it uses CGI in most of the movie. Aku rasa ni julung-julung kali filem Malaysia dibuat macam ni and From Metrofulus, Klon's mansion, the buildings, the action sequence. Semuanya made out of the green screen behind it. I have to say, it's a pretty good job done by the KRU Brothers. Alah, biasa lah ada loopholes here and there and effect dia yang nampak sedikit kartun, but aku rasa untuk filem ni, aku tolak tepi tu semua. So, lets put aside the lack of things in this movie sebab aku tabik spring kat Yusry KRU yang berjaya bawak something different kepada penonton kita.
And remember in mind that this is the first movie in Malaysia yang menggunakan such technology at a rather big scale. Kalau dulu Aziz M Osman dah jadi perintis untuk penggunaan special effect dalam XXX Ray sahaja. Itu pun hanya dalam beberapa shot.
Banyak benda yang buat movie ni menarik.
1. Bandar Metrofulus yang one of a kind. Ia direka tanpa mengambil mana-mana bangunan sedia ada. Kalau tak silap aku, diorang cuma gunakan Putrajaya as the fundamental structure for Metrofulus tapi diorang totally turn it into a new city. Siap dengan salji pulak tu.
2. Rumah Professor Klon yang bloody damn big tu meningatkan aku pada Count Dracula's mansion dengan pokok-pokok kering and the weather which 24/7 seems very dark and cloudy all day long.
3. The opening and early credit of the movie ni ada element yang sama macam cerita Fantastic Four and Sin City. Infact, some of the scene dalam movie ni pun ada sikit lebih kurang macam tu.
4. Ginger 1 & Ginger 2. Okay, walaupun ia adalah lakonan yang agak bodoh dari AC Mizal & Adlin Aman Ramli yang memang tak reti bermain dengan ruang, tak move dan takde ekspressi muka, isn't it similar to the Twins dalam The Matrix? Suratan atau kebetulan?
5. Walaupun ia adalah percubaan pertama the KRU Brothers, tapi I have to tap their back for doing a good job with the CGI effect. Siapa sangka anak Melayu boleh berfantasi macam tu kan?
Ada lah lagi tapi korang tengok sendiri and judge for yourself lah.
Aku Kata :
Masa mula-mula tu, aku memang ada sikit reluctant nak tengok movie ni sebab because of Apek and Yusry.. Not to misjudge Apek, tapi aku takut akan tengok dejavu dalam lawak-lawak Apek yang hampir stereotaip dalam semua movie lakonannya. Yusry pulak, as I have mentioned earlier, acting isn't just his thing. Lagi baik dia duduk belakang tabir aje lah. Doing the stuff that he normally do.
So the 2 main reason that pushes me to watch the movie would be the CGI effect and Fasha Sandha only. Lantak lah dengan lakonan stereotype Fasha Sandha tu. (Hope she'll improve in the future) but I just love to see the beautiful face. And the CGI effect was brilliant for a new-comer.
Puas hati? Up to a certain level, YES. Sebab aku bangga filem Malaysia dah capai a new era. Aku tolak tepi sikit lakonan yang biasa, plot yang longgar dan takde sinematografi menarik sebab aku seronok tengok effect CGI dia. Not that I've seen better but it's the effort of a Malaysian tu yang perlu kita banggakan.
But hey, itu aku!!! Itu persepsi aku pasal movie ni. I am not saying I am right nor I am wrong. That's my opinion that I am entitled to give. Korang pulak macam mana?
So, In conclusion aku kasi : ***1/2 / *****
Labels: movie
haven't watch da movie yet. not very "motivated" to watch dis kinda movie.
hey, did you know the "thing" that make me "dig" KRU back in the 90's was their music in which was waaaaay different. Waaaaay different cuz the other malay music then was composed from ur usual repetetive malay rock bands. KRU was the only memorable group that bring alittle bit "unique-ness" in the local music scene then.
now, it brings no surprise to me if the 1st KRU movie released is technological advanced than contemporary malay movie. Bringing new refreshing change seems to be a hallmark for the KRU brothers!
im in kajang now, tried to call u but its very hard lah fren. wanna meet up with u, asrap & aizam. can ah?
Posted by
xazaru |
10:05 AM