Couch Potato's Favourite!
I am a couch potato. Yeap, if I am not doing anything else and just sitting at home doing nothing, I’ll turn on the TV, grab the remote control, chips and enjoy myself all day long in front of the TV.
Frankly speaking, kau tak berapa suka sangat reading at home. I’ll tend to be very sleepy and dozed off if I read at home. Unless it’s a newspaper. I love to read when traveling. Say like going to work. I am a public transport user and it gives me plenty of times to read. So, dari being unproductive of sleeping, lagi baik kalau aku jadi tak produktif sebab duduk terbongkang depan TV.
Anyway, here are the list of some of my current favourite TV shows.
1. Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
Frankly speaking, kau tak berapa suka sangat reading at home. I’ll tend to be very sleepy and dozed off if I read at home. Unless it’s a newspaper. I love to read when traveling. Say like going to work. I am a public transport user and it gives me plenty of times to read. So, dari being unproductive of sleeping, lagi baik kalau aku jadi tak produktif sebab duduk terbongkang depan TV.
Anyway, here are the list of some of my current favourite TV shows.
1. Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
Pelik?Takde ape yang nak dipelikkan. Aku memang suka tengok rancangan ni. Let me get their names right. Jai, Kyan, Thom, Carson and Ted. They are a group of 5 days who works their sweat on a straight guy. (No! it’s not like what you think it is!) They transform a style-deficient and culture-deprived straight man from drab to fab. From all, my least favourite is Carson. Eventhough he is the most funniest, tapi dia ni terlampau sissy sangat.
2. The Amazing Race Asia
2. The Amazing Race Asia
For now, this is my most favourite TV show. Aku tak pernah miss tengok one episode of The Amazing Race Asia. Aku memang an avid follower of Amazing Race, and when they announced ARA, aku memang waiting with ancitipation. The 10 teams of 2 instead of the normal 12 teams of 2. 2 Malaysian teams made it to the top 10 and they are still in the race until now. They are Joe Jer & Zabrina and Andrew & Syeon. Aku memang hoping that both Joe Jer& Zabrina & Andrew & Syeon will make it to the top 3. At first, I though Zabrina is a Muslim tapi rupa-rupanya tidak. Aku mati-mati ingat dia islam. She’s same as as me and her full name is Zabrina Fernandez.
3. CSI : Crime Scene Investigation
3. CSI : Crime Scene Investigation
I am a freak when it comes to CSI. Tak kira lah CSI yang mana sekali pun. But My favourite will be the original CSI with Gil Grissom and his team. Meanwhile, my favourite babes would be Marisol Delko, adik Eric Delko dalam CSI : Miami. Nanti aku akan citer lebih pasal dia (Cilok sikit idea IronBoard dengan Babes of the Weeknye!)
4. CSI : NY
5. CSI : Miami
6. Dunia Baru
Ni satu-satunya tv show Malaysia yang betul-betul buat aku glued on to the TV every Monday pada pukul 9.00 pm. Aku ni bukannya jenis layan sangat telenovela Samarinda ataupun slot Identiti ni. Well, ada gak cerita yang aku layan but kalau dah selalu sangat tengok hero tua tu, bosan lah beb! First of all, sebab cerita dia sempoi habis. Aku rasa sesiapa yang pernah tengok Dunia Baru mesti setuju dengan aku.
7. Oliver Twist
7. Oliver Twist
Ini bukannya novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens tu. Kalau korang ada follow channel 11 Astro, you'll know which show I am referring to. Yes, it's a cooking chow. Actually, aku tengok rancangan ni pun sebab I have no choice. Bapak aku sebenarnya penyebab kenapa Oliver Twist ni termasuk dalam senarai ni. Bapak aku ni, when it comes to Jamie Oliver, memang ada ruang istimewa di hatinya. Hahaha…
8. Macam-macam Aznil
8. Macam-macam Aznil
Aznil is one brilliant and witty host. He’s been in the industry for a very long time and dia dan establish himself from a lame dangdut singer to the host of Pop Kuiz to the host of Akademi Fantasia. He also has his own talk show which is self-named and he’s made it big when he won the Asian Television Award for Best Talk Show. Eat that, Azwan!
9. The 8 TV Quickie
9. The 8 TV Quickie
I don’t know whether this could be rated as a TV Show because its just a 15 minute show. Aku follow Quickie since Adam Charruter and Marion Caunter’s time for weekdays Quickie and Rina dn Phat Fabes for the weekend Quickie. My hats of for orang gila 8TV, Ahmad Izham Omar sebab he’s the genius behind the success of 8TV. Aku bagi dia gelaran The Mad Genius.
10. Buletin Utama
10. Buletin Utama
I am comparing Buletin Utama with all the local television news only. I won’t compare it to BBC, CNN or Al-Jazeera sebab level playing field diorang berbeza. But locally, Buletin Utama stands above the rest. Dari masa Christine Ling, Mahathir Lokman and Wan Zaleha Radzi sampai lah sekarang, which is Norazlina Othman and Kamarudin Mape, they’ve evolved from a 30 minute news to an hour stretch of local and international news.
11. Lonely Planet Six Degrees
11. Lonely Planet Six Degrees
I love this TV show sebab it shows places yang memang aku tak pernah tau existed in my life. This is not the posh and exclusive type of traveling but it’s just backpacking and traveling. It’s like watching the other side of the world yang jarang kita nak tengok.
You know what! One day, aku teringin nak buat benda yang sama. Back-packing and travel.
12. Whose Line Is It Anyway?
You know what! One day, aku teringin nak buat benda yang sama. Back-packing and travel.
12. Whose Line Is It Anyway?
This is one of my favourite TV show. Hosted by Drew Carey and it’s all about impromptu stand-up comedy yang memang tidak dibuat-buat dan direka-reka langsung. My 2 favourite comedians would be Wayne Brady and Colin Mochrie. Dalam ramai-ramai member diorang, yang aku rasa successful is Wayne Brady aje. Aku rasa dalam Dekat 8TV dulu ada pernah jugak tunjuk The Wayne Brady Show, I think 2 years back. La ni, aku dengar Actorlympic based kat The Actor’s Studio Bangsar ada buat Malaysian version of Whose Line Is It Anyway, most prolly will be screened kat NTV7 kot. So, I am waiting for it to be on air.
I also watch TV shows like House M.D., Monk, and VIP Weekends with Ian Wright, The Nanny, Seinfeld dan macam-macam lagi lah. The only thing is that some of the shows are seasonal. So, as at now, this is the 10 of my most watched TV shows. Take Monk for example, its no more aired in Astro. So, kalau nak dikira, list ni boleh berubah-ubah from time to time.
I also watch TV shows like House M.D., Monk, and VIP Weekends with Ian Wright, The Nanny, Seinfeld dan macam-macam lagi lah. The only thing is that some of the shows are seasonal. So, as at now, this is the 10 of my most watched TV shows. Take Monk for example, its no more aired in Astro. So, kalau nak dikira, list ni boleh berubah-ubah from time to time.
Labels: television
"..She’s same as as me and her full name is Zabrina Fernandez."
tanya sket.. apa maksud same as me tu?
anyway.. koleksi dvd CSI aku mmg complete gila. Aku minat gila dgn Grissom & Gang. Whose Line mmg jadi ritual aku. Tak kira la pukul brapa aku tgk.. sure aku akan gelak gila babi. Dunia Baru is the only Malay show yg aku tgk di TV.
tunggu Heroes keluar nanti aku pasti kau akan suka.. Aku mmg dh tgk semua kecuali ep 12 and 13 yg akan ditayangkan starting 22 Jan kat US. Best gila..!
Posted by
Edd Vedder |
2:00 PM
1. sorry dude! typo error. She's the same age as me.
2. yes yes... i couldn't agree with you more.
3. Heroes? nanti wa tengok
Posted by
maddox |
3:33 PM
Aku makan Queer Eye guys untuk sarapan dan Jamie Oliver untuk makan tengah hari dude. I love these guys!
Satu lagi citer yang aku suka sekarang ialah Trippin' (hosnya Rina Omar). Dan Step Forward (aku suka rancangan2 camnih).
Posted by
Zack |
10:23 PM