The Da Vince Code (2006)

Cast : Tom Hanks, Audrey Tautou, Sir Ian Mckellen, Paul Bettany, Alfred Molina, Jean Reno
Director : Ron Howard
Synopsis :
Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks), a Harvard symbologist in Paris for a lecture when Inspector Fache (Jean Reno) informs him of the murder of museum curator Jacques Sauniere (Jean-Pierre Marielle). This poor man has been shot and will die late at night inside the Louvre; his wounds, although mortal, fortunately leave him time enough to conceal a safe deposit key, strip himself, cover his body with symbols written in his own blood, arrange his body in a pose and within a design by Da Vinci, and write out, also in blood, an encrypted message, a scrambled numerical sequence and a footnote to Sophie Neveu (Audrey Tautou), the pretty French policewoman whom he raised after the death of her parents. Most people are content with a dying word or two; Jacques leaves us with a film treatment.
Sophie warns Robert he is in danger from Fache, and they elude capture in the Louvre and set off on a quest that leads them to the vault of a private bank, to the French villa of Sir Leigh Teabing (Ian McKellen), to the Temple Church in London, to an isolated Templar church in the British countryside, to a hidden crypt and then back to the Louvre again. The police, both French and British, are one step behind them all of this time, but Sophie and Robert are facile, inventive and daring. Also, perhaps, they have God on their side.
This series of chases, discoveries and escapes is intercept with another story, involving an albino named Silas (Paul Bettany), who works under the command of the Teacher through a middleman called Bishop Aringarosa (Alfred Molina). Silas, a mysterious figure at the center of a conspiracy to conceal the location of the Holy Grail, what it really is, and what that implies. The conspiracy involves members of Opus Dei, a society of
If you've read the novels, then you know what happens next but if not, then I would suggest you get the DVD and watch the movie.
Aku Kata :
Okay! It took me a bloody long time to review the movie because I just hated it. Having to read the novel and watching the movie (I re-read the book right before the movie premiers), I think that the mood was spoilt at how bad the movie was. The plot of the book memang intriquing tapi aku teramat lah kecewa dengan hasil kerja tangan Ron Howard untuk filem ni.
All right, any movie that was adapted from a novel should strictly follow the book tapi aku dapat rasakan kejanggalan bila aku tonton filem ni. The first time I watched it, aku tengok tak habis pun sebab aku dah terlampau bosan. The second time, aku cuba juga habiskan tengok movie ni. Phew! What a ride!
Eventhough this film maintain its exotic location (exactly like the book, it still lack of some important thing macam startling revelation and desperate chase scene. Both the book and movie contain accusations against the Catholic Church and its order of Opus Dei, the Holy Grail, the descendants of Jesus, the Knights Templar, and the true story of Mary Magdalene. But hey, the book was fiction. Okay, the plot for both the book and movie are ridiculous tapi bukan ke kebanyakan movie made that way?
I know that Catholics hated the book and all the rubbish that Dan Brown created tormented them Again! It's a fiction! What do you expect? Lagi satu, how can someone say that Dan Brown's novel is preposterous and the movie is preposterously entertaining, when it's not? Aku tak tau lah bagi korang yang pernah tengok movie ni, macam mana pendapat kau orang. Tapi ini pendapat aku.
Mungkin expectation aku untuk tengok Robert Langdon in the silver screen was high but who can blame me? What I expected the movie is going to be was quite anti-climaxed to what was in the book.
Mungkin it wasn't that bad after all kot. I only like the movie because of Silas (Paul Bettany) and Sophie Neveu (Audrey Tautou). They both did an excellent job for the character that they are being paid for.
All I can say, kalau korang belum lagi baca buku tu, korang akan dapat that it's a good movie. Tapi, kalau korang pernah baca buku tu and still belum tengok buku tu. Brace yourself to be disappointed.
Aku kasi : ** / *****
Labels: movie