Pathfinder (2006)

Cast : Karl Urban, Russell Means, Moon Bloodgood, Ralf Moeller
Director : Marcus Nispel
Synopsis :
Two Worlds, One War. The Ultimate Battle Begins
A young Viking boy abandoned by his people during an early raid on the shores of North America, nearly 500 years before the arrival of Columbus. A tribe of American Indians that his kinsmen attempted to destroy adopts the poor, frightened child. At 25, the blond tribesman known as Ghost (Karl Urban) must intervene to protect his people when Viking warriors return to commit barbarous attacks that leave nothing but death and destruction in their wake. The Vikings ride through a shallow creek and are next seen massacring the inhabitants of Ghost's (Karl Urban) village.
At the same time, the tribe leader, known, as the Pathfinder must select a new leader for the tribe. The tribe deserted Ghost, being an outsider, even though he was the right man to replace the Pathfinder. Ghost was also in love with the Pathfinder's daughter.
After seeing his village people died and the leader killed by the Vikings, Ghost decided to take revenge on the death of his "mother". Before the Vikings could kill another tribe, Ghost takes matter in his own hands.
Is Ghost chosen as the Pathfinder? Will he be able to save the tribe from being a victim of the Viking? How will Ghost's love end up? Tengok sendiri itu movie haa!
Aku kata:
The reason why I watched the movie was because I had no other choice. I was standing outside GSC Midvalley one Thursday evening thinking of what to watch. Then, I stumbled upon one poster. I think the poster looks cool. So, what the heck! Aku pun beli lah tiket ni. So, aku masuk dalam panggung without knowing what to expect out of it.
Actually I don't really know how to review the movie. I read somewhere that this was a re-make from a 1987 Oscar nominated Norwegian film. Memandangkan aku tak pernah tengok versi 1987, so, aku tak boleh nak buat comparison between both movie.
Aku suka dengan movie ni sebab action scenenya yang nampak begitu gah. The fight between Ghost, the Red Indian and the Viking looked great. It is a known fact that Vikings are known to be a conquerer tribe that is vicious and brute. Eventhough the fighting scene tu takde lah macam The Lord of the Ring, tapi it was just as great. Another thing that I like about the movie was the costumes. The Viking's costume nampak majestic and make-up diorang yang nampak cukup hodoh dan zalim tu.
It was mentioned that no animal was harmed during the production of the film. Filem ni banyak menggunakan extensive green screen technology to make it real. Movie ni difilemkan kat North America eventhough it depict the story of the Red Indian and The Viking's first step foot there. This was 500 years before Columbus even came. What tickles me off is the accent used by the Red Indian. Their English was perfect. In fact, it was too perfect to be used by any Red Indian.
As for the acting, I can't really say much. Sebab bagi aku, kekuatan filem ni pada action scenenya sahaja. Ini filem yang kurang dialog yang memberangsangkan dan takde lakonan yang betul-betul hebat dari semua pelakonnya. Cuma satu perkara yang aku perasan pasal hero and heroine Pathfinder. Aku tak nampak on-screen chemistry between the hero and heroine. Both of them didn't seem to have that thing going on and it was pretty dull.
All in all, kalau korang peminat epic filem, this is a good movie yang slow tapi a good action scene.
Labels: movie